George X Reader

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The Weasley twins were basically your life. You would do everything with them, it was rare for you to be seen without them. You could even tell them apart from eachother. You even spent most of your holidays with them. They were amazing beyond explanation, in your eyes. Though one of them had caught you more than the other. That flaming red hair was absolutely amazing.

Having just played a prank on the slimy git they call the Slytherin Prince, you three were walking down the hall laughing hysterically. After dumping that bucket of paint on him, his bleached hair colour would take weeks to get the red colour out, causing him to look like a Weasley.
"My father will hear about this!" Was exactly what he said when he caught you in the act.

"I sure hope people don't start to think that git is related to us.." Fred said, causing you to giggle more.
"Its your fault for choosing that colour!" You exclaim, smiling brightly at the twins.
"Well you could have showed us a different colour!" He retorts.
"Children, calmer down." George says, laughing at your guys' foolishness.
You playfully punch him in the arm, causing him to be even more dramatic. You took your eyes and start to sprint down the hall for no apparent reason.
"Y/N! What the bloody hell do you think your doing?" Fred calls after you. You could hear the smile in his voice though.

You slow down as you get to the commons, panting as you walked in causing you to get a few weird looks around you.
Fred and George come not long after, panting slightly.
"What the hell was that?" George asks.
"Mhm, nothing. G'night!" You yell back towards them, as you run off towards the dorms.

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