Draco X Reader (short)

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Warnings: Self harm

Standing in the bathroom mirror of my dormitory, I look at myself with disgust.
How could Draco possibly like me? I'm a mistake....
I then notice the small razor on the side of the sink, and pick it up.
Just for release...
I cut into the flesh of my arm a few times, and think it's enough. I quickly wash the blade, and go out to the common room, sure that my sleeves are rolled down.

Without even realising I fell asleep, I feel a presence beside me. I look over to see Draco.
" Hey, Draco. What are you doing up this late?" I yawn.
"Waiting for you to wake up. Just wanted to talk to you." He smiles.
I then stretch my arms above my head, and hear a small intake of breath from beside me. I look down at a wide eyed Draco. Turns out, when I stretched, my sleeves rolled down just enough to show my cuts.
"Y/N...what caused you to do this?" He asks, cradling my arm.
"I honestly don't know..." I say, trying not to cry.
He pulls me into his embrace.
"Please don't do this...i don't want my baby hurt..." he cries, stroking my hair lightly.
"Okay..." I say, finally letting the tears stream.

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