Tom Riddle X Reader

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A/N: The very first part of the story has been inspired by another writers fandom, unsure of the name but I know it's another Wattpad user lol. Well, ENJOY!

Warnings: Mentions of blood, a very small bit of gore? Maybe? Idk? If you even want to call it that? Lol..

Tom Riddle, was his name. The guy you have been with for five months, the guy you were madly in love with. Being Avery's little sister, Avery was very protective of you, he didn't want his little sister hurt. Tom Riddle, the guy who has grown very powerful in these past months. He was hungry, starving for power.

Walking down the hall, hand in hand with Tom on your way back to your common room was your idea of how to start the weekend off. Going into the common room, you both sat down on the sofa and Tom started playing with your hair. Enjoying the attention, he takes your hand and drags you back out of the common room.

"Uhm..Tom? Where we going?" You ask hesitantly.

"You'll see.." He leads you out to the forbidden forest, and kisses you roughly while pushing you against a tree. You winced and immediately started to kiss back. And that's when you felt a sharp pain in your side. Pulling away from the kiss, you slowly touch your side lightly, bringing your hand back up to see a thick, red covering your fingers. Looking at Tom, you feel another pain and your eyesight begins to blur, while darkening.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but, It's for my horcruxes. You know how much I need this.." He says while walking away with one last swish of his cloak, and you black out.


You open your eyes only to awake to an all too familiar ceiling. The ceiling of the infirmary. Hissing at the sharp pain in your side, because of attempting to sit up, you hear rustling closely followed by a shout of "Y/N!" From Avery, and being pushed back down by Madame Pomfrey.
"Y/N..." Avery says, his tear stained face visible, and new tears surfacing as he looks at you in pity.

"Y/N..Oh, what happened?" He whispers, just audible.
"I..I remember..Tom! It was Tom, Ave...he said it was for his horcruxes..." You trail off, tears running down your face as you recall the betrayal that has happened only..Hours before?
"Ave..How long have I been here?" You ask, voice shaking slightly.

"Two days..I told you Tom was bad for you...he hurt you..he could've killed you! And he just played you like you were some tool...he'll get it, he will..." Avery says, rage clear in his voice.

"Hey, Avery, I understand where you're coming from, and you're protective, but..Tom did have his reasons, I suppose.."

"You can't seriously be defending him? You're mad, Y/N! He intentionally tried to kill you! The little selfish prick, can't be trusted on the hem of Merlin's pants."

You laugh at his last insult thrown, but quickly reciprocate due to the pain in your side.


You were healed three days later, a scar the only trace of what happened the past week. Tom apparently didn't know about your surviving yet. Because when you walked into the common room, hand in hand with Avery, his eyes went wide. He stood up and tried to pull you into an embrace, but you slapped him across the face. His eyes turned to anger, but said nothing.
"Tom Riddle, You filthy, backstabbing prat! You almost killed me for your own selfish ways, and you deserve nothing more than to just rot in Azkaban for the rest of your life! THAT'S RIGHT EVERYONE! THIS FILTHY BITCH STABBED ME IN THE SIDE TWICE, INTENDING TO KILL ME! DO WE REALLY ENSUE OUR TRUST WITHIN HIM?" You yell, making everyone aware of Riddle's actions. You hear a few gasps, and muffled sobs from a few, and you smirk to Tom.
"Have a nice life, I hope you get your horcruxes, asshole.." You quickly peck him on the cheek, and walk away up to your dorm.

This will be interesting...

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