Ron X Reader

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"Ronald Weasley, would you talk to me!" You say in anger at your boyfriend, who is giving you the silent treatment for talking to Seamus Finnigan.
"Ron, I don't like Seamus! You can't just go around saying I like every guy I talk to then give me the silent treatment!" He finally speaks up.

"Well, Y/N, if you are going to bloody well keep talking to every guy you know, then maybe we shouldn't be together." He says, not meeting your eyes. You feel a pain in your stomach, realizing he's breaking it off with you.
"Fine, if that's what you really want.." You say, tears threatening to spill.
"It is, yeah." He says, a slight scoff at the end. You walk over to the table, and grab your bag, and run out of the common room, urging yourself not to cry. You weren't vulnerable, ever. You never let people see you like this, except for Ron the odd time.

You make your way to a tree by the black lake, sitting down to look into the distance, thoughts running through your head.

After an hour of sitting and keeping to yourself, you know it's time for dinner. You debate on whether or not to go, but you go anyway, knowing if you didn't go rumors would only be all the worse.

Going to the Gryffindor table, you see your usual spot beside Ron is taken by Hermione, preventing you from sitting near Ron as Harry was on the other side of him. You scoff and throw a dirty look, while she sends you a genuinely sympathetic look. You never hated Hermione, but you never particularly liked her, seeing as she always had a soft spot for Ron.
You make your way past them, and sit at the end of the table, sitting alone to eat.
Once the meal is done, you practically run out of the great hall up to the Gryffindor common room, and up to your dorm. Moments later, you hear a knock.
"Y/N? Unlock the door, Ron wants to talk to you." The voice of Hermione carried through the door.

"Yeah? Good for him. Leave me alone." Your voice is muffled by you having your hands in between your knees.

"Y/N...Just come talk to him.."
"No, because i'n involved with 5 other guys, remember, Ronald? If he simply can't trust me, I simply can't talk to him for a matter of minutes, thank you. Now leave me alone." You hear a sigh, and the incantation "Alohomora" being cast. Then Hermione is shadowing over you, a look of worry etched onto her face.
"Y/N, Ron want's to apologize. I don't know what he wants to say, but it's not nasty. Please just go talk to him.."

"Fine..." You mutter, lifting yourself up off your four poster and walk out of your dorm and into the common room. Ron jumps up at the sight of you and basically runs to you, and captures you in an embrace.

"Oh, Y/N, i'm so so sorry..I didn't mean to be a git..I don't want to lose you..I'm so stupid..I'm so sorry.." You hug him back, not being able to help yourself.
"It's fine, Ron. Just..Don't do it again..And actually trust me..Please.." You sigh.

"I won't, I swear to it. And i'm taking youout to Hogsmeade this weekend to make it up to you!" He says happily. You laugh, happy to just have your "Ickle Ronniekins" back.

A/N: Okay, bad chapter, I know. Sorry...Send in requests!!

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