Cedric X Reader

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"Hey Y/N!" Your friend, Oliver wood yelled as he was trying to catch up to you. You slow down so he can meet you, starting to walk together.
" Hey, Ollie. What's up?" You say happily to him.
" I was just wondering if we could study together, you know, for Potions? Tonight, if that's okay?" He asks cheekily.
" Sure! It's no problem. Um, library at six?" You say smiling.
" Sure! See you then." He yells to you before running off to, you presumed, the Quidditch pitch.
You never really thought about your love life much, you never even thought about liking Oliver as more than a friend until your best friend, Cedric, had asked you.
"I don't know, Ced. I don't really like him that way though, he's always been more of a brother to me. Why do you ask?" You day to your best friend as you're sitting at a table in the Hufflepuff common room playing wizards chess.
"I dunno, I just..hes into You, Y/N, and you're my best friend. I don't want you getting hurt by the wrong guy, he could be a git of a boyfriend for all we know." Cedric says before moving his pawn.
"I suppose but, Cedric, I'm not into him. I've never even really given my love life any thought until recently, and it definitely wouldn't involve Oliver. He's my friend, hardly even crossing the line to best friend. I'd firstly date you..." You trail off, hoping he didn't hear the last part. But he did.
"Y-You what? Me?" Cedric asks, taking his attention from the game to you, fully.
"Well I mean, yeah I guess. But don't take it to heart." You chuckle teasingly, playfully hitting Cedric on the arm. He smiles at you and you make your move, taking one of his pawns.
"Damnit, Y/N. I'm tired. Can't we just continue this tomorrow or something?" Cedric asks before yawning and stretching his arms over his head, looking sluggish.
"Fine..i have to go study with Oliver anyway." You say, gathering your textbooks and throwing them into your bag. You run off through the portrait hole, your small watch reading 5:59. Great. One minute. You sprint off towards the library, and arrive at 6:04. Your eyes scan the room for Oliver, spotting him at a nearby table. You walk over to him still slightly out of breath, and pull out your textbooks as you sit down.
"Took you long enough..." Oliver chuckles.
"Sorry." You reply giving him a warm smile.
"Now, what was it you needed help with?" You ask.
"Well, this." He says, pointing towards a paragraph.
"And this." He says bluntly, before leaning in and attaching his slightly chapped lips to yours. You don't kiss back, you didn't know what to do so you just sat there. He pulls away, taking you not kissing back as an answer.
"Sorry.. " he says, looking down.
"Its fine, Oliver. I'm just...i don't think I like you like that...youre a great person and all, and an amazing friend. You're almost like a brother to me. But I dont like you like that...im really Sorry, Oliver." You say sincerely.
" Hey Hey, it's fine. I understand, really." He says giving you a lopsided smile you're sure was forced. You continue studying as planned, till you were out past curfew.
You walked back up to Hufflepuff common room and sat down, exhausted.
"What the hell was that, Y/N?!" An angry Cedric asks you.
"What?" You ask.
"I saw you kiss Oliver! I thought you didn't like him like that!"
"I don't! He kissed me and I told him I didn't like him! Why does it matter anyway?!" You stand up raging.
" Because..." He says before placing his lips on yours. The kiss was needy, lustful. But you kissed back instantly, having had a crush on him for forever. He pulls away, both of you breathless.
" That should be my job.." He smiles down at you, and you kiss him again quickly, staying in an embrace. You two were almost inseparable from then on, and Oliver had greatly backed off.

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