Harry X Reader

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Warnings: Swearing

It was a damn winter wonderland outside. You were walking in Hogsmeade with your boyfriend, Harry. You couldn't even form a sentence about how much you loved him. He was your happiness, and you couldn't bare the thought of losing him.

"Harry! Look!" You said, pointing to the now falling white flakes, adding to the already heaping mass of white surrounding you. He glanced in your direction, and saw the snow. He smiled, knowing you were happy in that moment. He loved it when you were happy. It was one of his favourite things, to see you happy. He walked over to you, and picked you up bridal style, spinning you around, causing you to laugh like mad.
"Harry! Stop It!" You yelled through your fit of giggling, holding on to his shoulders as not to fall. He started leaning you down towards the snowbank you were near.
"Harry James Potter, I swear if you drop me into the pile of snow, I will strangle you." You threaten, seriousness taking over. He just smirks, and responds with
"But Y/N, it would be so fun..." He pouts.
He pretends to drop you, causing you to let out a loud scream.
He catches you, and starts laughing at your outburst. You playfully hit his face, and he pretends to pout once again. He drops you, for real, and you let out a yelp. Your face is covered in snow, making you shiver. You get up, and tackle him. He goes flying down, and gets a faceful of snow causing you to laugh hysterically. You land on top of him, and look into his eyes, you quickly peck his lips, to distract him from you putting a fistfull of snow down his back. He almost yells, and you quickly get up and run towards the castle, away from the laughing, but fuming, Harry Potter.

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