Draco X Reader

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Warnings: Extreme snogging

Everyone knew that Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson had it bad. They would snog each other to death in the middle of hallways, flirt constantly during classes, and the extreme heated make out sessions were absolutely agonizing to watch, or even hear of. Everyone knew that Pansy was absolutely in love with Draco, and this ultimately made you ridiculously jealous as everyone also knew you had a huge crush on him. Even Draco knew this. He shrugged it off because he was with Pansy, and frankly, didn't really like you.

You finally finished your potions essay that was a ridiculous amount of feet long, and strode out of the library, plans to go to the great hall to have the last meal of the day. But you were stopped by none other than the muffled sounds of moaning coming from a nearby closet. Curiosity getting the best of you, you slowly creep closer to know who it is and what exactly is going down in there, and instantly recognize one of the voices as your long time crush. Followed by Pansys screechy voice, moaning his name. You retreat in disgust, not wanting to know any more, sadness also taking over. You throw one of your textbooks at the closed door as hard as possible and run off, making sure they got the message to do it more privately next time.
You decide to attend dinner instead of retreating to your dorm, and take your seat at Slytherin table. Not long after, you see a flash of blonde and see Draco and his pug faced girlfriend come in hand in hand, Pansy smirking wildly while Draco looks highly annoyed. You pay your attention back to your food and look down, fully aware that they sat down across from you.
"Oi, Y/N. Why aren't you eating? You usually can't help but stuff your face here..." Draco's cold voice sneers at you. Pansy snickers wildly, her high voice cutting through the hall, causing people to give her disgusted glances. You throw your fork down on the plate, clattering it loudly causing most of Slytherin house to look at you weirdly. You get up and storm off towards Slytherin common room and run into your dorm, slamming the door. After about half an hour of sulking, you hear a knock at your door. "Come in." You call, wiping at your eyes harshly in an attempt to clean yourself up. You see Draco's pale face and give him a disgusted look.
"Get out." You murmur.
"No. What's wrong?" He scowls.
"Its none of your concern. Now what do you want?"
"Well, one, I came to return your textbook I presume you threw at me earlier, and I wanted to ask you something." Draco says calmly.
You snatch your textbook out of his hands.
"How did you know it was mine?" You ask.
"Well, it had your name on the inside..." Draco snorts.
"Oh." You set your textbook aside.
" So, I wanted to ask you...why did you throw that book?"
"Obviously because I heard you and Pansy having sex for God's sake and maybe you should do it more privately where you won't disturb people." You say jealously.
"Well, it wasn't exactly sex, she was grinding on me, Y/N. And actually, we broke up because I sort of accidentally said something about you while we were. I erm..sort of...moaned Your name and a slight comment might have followed and Pansy had a fit. I didn't really like her anyway, she was a real troll." He wrinkles his face as he pictures her once more. You snigger.
" Yeah, okay Draco. I hope you're okay. Bye." You say, rolling over on your bed so your back was to him. But he quickly turns you around to face him and pulls you upright, looking into your eyes.
" Y/N, I didn't want to tell you, but seeing as I fully know you have a crush on me, I shouldn't be scared of rejection. But..i love you." He says softly before kissing you. You're shocked for a few moments but kiss back, sparks igniting within you, feeling like you have a dozen golden snitches fluttering around in your stomach. He pulls away, both of you breathing harshly. You put your forehead on his, his hands resting on either side of your face.
"I love you too, Draco."

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