Blaise X Reader

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Warnings: Swearing, Extreme snogging

You were currently out on the Quidditch pitch, playing the match against Hufflepuff. You were a chaser for the Slytherin team, and also the team captain.
Scoring another goal for the Slytherin team, you circle around to see your best friend, Draco, chasing after the snitch. "And that's another 10 points for Slytherin!" Lee yells through the speaker, as you can hear your boyfriend, Blaise, cheering you from the stands. Taking the quaffle once more, you score another goal right before you hear the results.
" And Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch! That's Hufflepuff with 40 and Slytherin with 190 points! Slytherin wins!" Lee's voice booms through the pitch as you touch down, instantly being surrounded by your house mates and friends, including Blaise.

Having being in the common room for the party, it's just you, Blaise and Draco in the common room.
" And then he tried to knock me off my broom!" Draco drones on, complaining about Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker, which you think it is highly unlikely that he attempted to knock Draco off his broom, as he was normally a fair player.
"But I mean, did you see me? I just caught that snitch like it was nothing! I must be the best seeker Slytherin has ever had!" He says, absentmindedly picking at a frill in the couch.
"Yes yes we get it, Draco. You had an amazing win.." You say, slightly annoyed but all the while amused at Draco's droning.
"Yes well, I'll be right back, lemme change out of these robes.." he says, getting up to leave to his dorm. Why he didn't change out of them before was beyond you, but you were glad to finally be alone with your boyfriend.
" So, good game today, babe." Blaise smiles at you .
"Thanks.." You return the smile, leaning in for the kiss. He kissed back, almost instantly pushing you back against the couch, getting on top of you and making the kiss into a make out session. He started groping you, when you heard a door open followed by footsteps, then "FUCKING HELL YOU GUYS! COULD YOU MAYBE NOT DO THIS IN THE COMMON ROOM? CENSOR YOURSELVES!!" Draco yells, shielding his eyes from the sight he was beholding.
"Fucking hell, I'm now going to go rinse my eyes with soap, if you'll excuse me..christ..." he says, walking away back towards the dorms. You and Blaise just smirk at each other and go back at it again.

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