Draco X Depressed Reader

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A/N: Okay so There will be mentions of depression in this one, just a fair warning. I hope I did a good job on this, and as it has been, requests open! I hope it's okay..

"You don't deserve to be here, you should just die, you filthy mudblood!" Parkinson yelled, as she had you cornered with her lackeys. You shrank away, trying not to act scared.
"Yeah, and you should go try to snog Malfoy some more. Sod off, Pug face. Your insults are nothing but petty." You say, trying to sound tough, and as though you couldn't feel the lump in your throat. She catches your arm as you try to walk off, looking angered more than ever.
"Well, at least I can get snogged! You're ugly, much unlike me, and you could never score someone like Drakey. Just go throw yourself off the astronomy tower!"
"Yeah, as if I would possibly want someone like your boyfriend. You guys are bullies, It's no wonder you are so perfect for eachother. And as for the Astronomy tower, why shouldn't I?" You mumble the last part under your breath and storm off, leaving Pansy wide eyed. Because little do you know, she heard the last part of your sentence, and felt this little, unfamiliar feeling of guilt, and Malfoy was behind the corner, hearing every bit of the conversation.

You run to the astronomy tower, knowing of the tears going down your face. You silently sit down at the top, hoping no one came up. You've never been so vulnerable in front of anyone, you've always had the tough exterior and not let anyone too far past your walls, you always have your guard up. Maybe Parkinson was right..maybe you should jump...No, don't think that way! She doesn't know you or your life! But as those thoughts pass through your head, you don't notice yourself getting up and climbing to the other side of the railing, when a voice jerks you out of your thoughts.
"Y/N!" Malfoy. He runs over to you and pulls you over the railing, before you can do anything else.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" You say, not looking at him, your head bowed in shame.
"Why? I heard the conversation with Parkinson, I couldn't let you do anything..And I..I'm sorry for bullying you all these years.." He lifts your head up in his hand to look at you, a steely grey-blue meeting a glossy e/c. Malfoy, apologizing? This is a first...
"I don't want you to hurt yourself, let alone..this.." He continues, gesturing to the grounds beyond the tower. "I know I have been nothing but a git to you, but don't do this..Don't listen to Parkinson. I..I like you, and I don't give a damn about your blood purity, because I really like you. I know after the things I have said and done to you aren't okay, and I have no excuse for that. I truly am sorry. And it may sound a little cliche, I know but It's true. And..If I may, I have a question..." He trails off, unsure about your answer, so keeping eye contact, you slowly say
"I like you too, and you may."
"Well..erm..Would you like t..to go to the Yule ball with me?" He stutters.
You smile. "I would love to!" And that was that. You stayed up at the Astronomy tower after curfew, talking about all sorts of things, and Parkinson hasn't said a word to you since the previous fight.

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