Tom Riddle X Reader

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A/N: do I put this....BOOK IS STAYING OPEN!! Imma keep writing and taking in requests! So sorry for making a chapter just saying I might delete It, and probably pissing off or saddening you guys...but from you guys, and my brothers persuasion, I'm gonna keep going and just report or piss off anyone who plagerizes my writing. Thank you guys so much for the reads and support!!

Warnings: Like rly sad

Also, idk if it really fits but I'm prompting the song See Through Me by Alex Goot it's a really good song, you guys should listen to it!

I'm gonna stop pretending

Tom Riddle was the absolute horrid of the school. Girls fawned over him endless times, and other cowered when they even looked at him. Needless to say, he was a handsome man. But he had menacing, evil ways.
Normally, you would try to ignore him and everything to do with him. But today was different.

Cause you see through it all

After rounding a corner in the halls, you hear a sickening scream. You rush over to where it came from, which was the girls bathroom. You lean outside on the wall, and hear voices.

And I start believing

"Im not doing It!" You hear a hushed voice, to which you knew belonged to Abraxas Malfoy.
"You'll do damn well what I ask you to." You hear the cold, crawling voice if Tom Riddle.

You're gonna break down my walls.

The two come out of the washroom as you hide behind a pillar, to not be seen. Once the two are out of sight, you carefully walk into the washroom to investigate. And that's when you saw it. The pale, limp body, on the floor of the bathroom. You choke out a sob, and sprint out of the washroom at full speed.

Ohh oh

And today was a Saturday. Quidditch was the word. Tom usually never attended matches, but much to your surprise, he did today.

Cause I think you figured out I don't belong here

He took a seat beside you, looking out at the pitch. You could suddenly feel his eyes burning holes through you, and you looked up to him.
"Stop staring, Riddle." You say, to which he just smirks in reply.

And I've been living on the edge

"Oh but why, you're just too beautiful to stop staring at." His smirk grows, and at this, memories come flooding back. Of the fun times you two had together, though there weren't hardly any of those.

So we dream big,
fast life
won't stop
don't mind.
Don't look at me like that.

You then realise.
"Stop using Legilimency on me! I'm not your toy!" You whisper yell.
" Fine, if you must insist." He smirks yet again.
You turn bright red, knowing that he now knew precisely what you were thinking, and it was how flustered you were around him. So now he knew you fancied him, which was great on your half.

On the warm night,
start light
wide eyed
Don't look at me like that
Cause you might see through me

You then hear a bloodcurdling scream, and heads jerk in the direction it came from. You look to see a kid laying on the ground closet to the school, and a professor screaming.
People immediately leave the stands, and you hear faint catchings of conversation, clear that the kid was dead. You, for an unknown reason, don't move from your seat, but rather, stay seated next to a smirking Tom.

All my darkest secrets

He gets up, still with perfect posture, and looks down at you.
"Well, this was quite...interesting." He smirks. He really needed to stop smirking, before his face freezes that way.
He then places a hand on your shoulder, pecks your cheek and walks off. You place your hand where he had kissed you, feeling heat rush to your pale face.

I will tell them to you
Cause I know you'll listen
When its just me and you.

You watch as all the other students rush off, and you just sit there, suddenly, and weirdly uninterested.
And that's what you did. You had your books, so you just stayed there for the rest of the day. You had your leather-bound sketchbook, and that's all you needed.

Ohh oh

And once the sun finally begins to set, turning the sky a orange and pink tinge, you think that the murders that happened today were no doubt Tom's doing. And you then hear footsteps approach you.

We're alone and we're alive and we belong here
Now we are living on the edge

You look up to see none other but Tom there. He smiles down at you as he takes a seat, and watched you sketch out the Quidditch pitch. He looks over in interest, as you shudder slightly and cower your book away from him.
"What's wrong?" He asked.

And we dream big
fast life
won't stop
don't mind
Don't look at me like that

"Nothing, I just get uncomfortable with people watching me draw." You shrug.
"Well I wouldn't know why, you're really good." He smiles.
"Thanks.." You mutter out. You now felt uncomfortable around him, knowing what he does and is capable of.

On the warm night
Start light
Wide eyed
Don't look at me like that, cause you might see through me.

" You seem uneasy." He reasons.
"Yeah, cause I am. And you know perfectly well why." You grimace.
"Hm, why don't you remind me?" He smirks again.
"I know you murdered them, Tom." You spit.

And it's a long way down
It's a long way
But the view up here is amazing

"And how's that, L/N?" He asks.
"I just do. I saw you walk out of the bathroom after I heard her scream, and I just know about the second one." You murmur.
"That's a serious accusation to make, L/N." He warns.
"Oh really, never knew that." You roll your eyes, sarcasm dripping like venom.

And we dream big
Fast life
Won't stop
Don't mind
Dont look at me like that.

"Well, I suppose you know now, so there's no point in hiding it. So yes. I did." He says.
You shudder.
"Why?" You whisper.
"Y/N, I know it sounds bad, but listen to me." He tried.
"No. You could murder me right now and I wouldn't even know. So leave me alone..."
"Listen, Y/N.."

On the warm night
Start light
Wide eyed
Don't look at me like that
Cause you might see right through me

"Tom, really? Murdering innocent people? That's sick and disgusting. No matter your reasons, you don't kill another human being."
"Y/N, listen!" He yells, more frustrated you wouldn't listen to him.
"I got my lackies to kill them, which, I know, was still my doing. But I know I shouldn't have and I deeply apologize. But...could I ask you something?"

So see through me
So see through me
So see through me

"And what would that be?" You question, half feeling safe with him.
"See how there is a ball coming up?" He asks.
"Mhm, And?"
"Would you attend with me, if I can show you I am worthy, if I don't...kill?" He pleads.
"I don't know, but you can start by telling me why you would do such a horrible thing..." You say warily, surprised at the question. And so he did. He told you every little detail of his reign of power, but he promised to stop, if you would be his girlfriend, to which you agree both happily and reluctantly. You just hoped he would keep his word...

You'll see through me

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