Oliver X Reader

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Prompt~~He hurts you without meaning to

Warnings: None

"But Oliver!" You whined.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but I have to practice for our Quidditch finals." He says as he kisses you on the cheek.
"But don't you know it's our year anniversary in three days? One day with me is all I ask!"
"I love you, Y/N. I'll see you after practice." He says as he walks away. You sigh and go back To the common room, knowing he cared more about Quidditch than you. If he was willing to blow off one weekend with you, when it was your one year anniversary, you would regard him with the same. You wouldn't attend his Quidditch matches, or sit with him during meals and classes.

You were in potions, and Snape wouldn't let you change potions partners, so you were stuck with Oliver.
"Y/N, talk to me. What is wrong?" Oliver asked for the twentieth time that class. You ignore him, and keep your head down to your potion. He turns you to face him, wary of Snape.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry for blowing you off the other day, and I know tomorrow we will have been together a year. I want to spend it with you, I just wanted it to come as a surprise but I cant stand being here and you not talking to me. I love you Y/N, and you mean so much more than Quidditch ever will."
"I'm sorry for ignoring you, I just thought you cared about Quidditch More."
"No, I never will." You quickly turn back to your potion before Snape can catch you and take points from your house. Feeling better that Oliver confirmed you meant more than his games, and you got to spend the whole of tomorrow with him, you got caught up in your thoughts and did something with the potion, causing it to blow up. In Olivers state of mind, he tried to get you out of the way but accidentally hit you in the face while trying. You fell to the floor, face stinging from the hit, and the burning feeling from the potion.

"Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.. I swear, come on, hospital wing for you.." He says, picking you up bridal style. You rest your head against his chest, feeling suddenly tired. Was it something in the potion? Were you poisoned? You blacked out after those thoughts.

You wake up to an unfamiliar ceiling. You turn your head to see Oliver by your side, holding your hand, his mouth slightly agape. You were obviously in the infirmary, but for how long? You sit up, remembering the events that took place to get you in here. You feel your face, the place you remembered Oliver hit you. It hurt slightly, but not much. Of course, you knew he didn't mean to. You hear Oliver stir, and look over to see him awake.

"Oh good, you're awake. I'm so sorry, Y/N. If I hadn't of ignored you for my Quidditch practices, you wouldn't have been lost in thought and messed up the potion and I wouldn't have-" He was cut of by you kissing him. You pulled away and smiled at him.

"It's not your fault, Oliver. It's okay, I'm fine." You say. You then remember...you start to panic.
"Oliver, how long was I out for?" you ask hesitantly.

"Oh, um two days, but it's okay." He sly smiles at you.
"Oh. I missed our anniversary..I'm sorry, Oliver. We could still do something, if you wanted."
"But of course.."He says, as he kisses you passionately.

"Mr. Wood, It would be best if you didn't snog the patients.." Madame Pomfrey interrupts. She walks away, but you can swear you see her with a smile.

A/N: I'm so sorry this one was so cheesy and it sucked and it's ew. Sorry lmao send in requests and vote!

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