Draco X Depressed!Reader Part 2

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You woke up late the next day, you had no classes. You suddenly remembered the events of lastnight, and saw that Draco was gone. You got up and changed your robes, the last ones having dried blood on them. You entered the common room, and Draco was siting on the sofa. You waltzed over to him, unsure of whether or not he wanted you near him. He turned his head when he heard you approach, and got up and hugged you, causing a few Slytherins to stare in confusion and envy. He pulled away, and muttered silent apologies. You ended up comforting him, but that day went on as normal after that. The Slytherins pestering you, except Draco who had stopped them the occasional time. During dinner, you received a note under the table.

Meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight at 10


You smiled slightly and went back to eating, then up to your dorm deciding to go to bed until you had to go to the astronomy tower.

You woke up, your watch reading 9:52. Damn. You thought. You hurried to get your robes on, just to cover up and headed up to the Astronomy tower. Draco was there, waiting. He turned when he heard you, and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You leaned on the railing when you broke apart.
"So, why did you ask me here?" You asked him.
"What's your patronus again?" He asked.

"Just answer."
"A fox. Why though?" You ask him. He comes up to you, standing beside you.
"Look, see those stars, there? Over there." He points, showing you.

"No, Draco, I'm sorry but I don't." He sighs, and comes up behind you, his chest against your back. He takes your hand, and puts your index finger out.
"Here, see. The stars that i'm tracing? Watch." He says, as he rest his arm on top of yours, holding your hand and lifting it to trace a line between certain stars. You begin to see what he means.
"Oh! I see it! It's a fox.." You trail off, as you turn to see Draco. You smile at him softly.
"Yeah. It's Vulpecula, Latin for little fox. I wanted to show it to you as it is only visible during these few weeks." He shrugs. You smile at him, more widely.

"Look.." He takes your hand again, leading you to a different area of the tower, and puts you in the same position as before. You feel safe, like nothing would ever happen to you in Draco's arms.

He begins tracing another constellation out, as you smile all the while.

"Oh! I know that one! Its the dragon, Draco..." You trail off, noticing what he meant.
"It's one of the only ones I know, I learned it at home, It just meant something to me..." You trail off once again, unsure.
"Why?" He asks softly.
"I don't know...It just...did. I felt like it mattered..." You give a sly smile to him.
"They're only visible for this small time, and I wanted to show them to you. To apologize for what I have done to you and caused you these past few months, Y/N. I'm really sorry..." He says, looking to the ground in embarrassment.
"It's okay, Draco..." You say, putting a finger under his chin to make him look up at you.

"No, I caused you so much hurt, I hurt you,I hate myself for it, I shouldn't have ever-" You cut him off by placing your lips on his, kissing him gently. You pull back.

"Draco, it's okay. I love you, and I am willing to forget what you did. Just don't do it again..."

"Never. I won't, I swear. I love you, Y/N." He says, kissing you again.

"I love you too, Draco..."

A/N: WOOOWWW OKAY SO THat took longer than expected, I think it's really cute. I actually kind of like this one, what about you? Nah, idk. Expect an Oliver Wood one next!!

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