Ron X Reader (Short)

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A/N: ok I'm really sorry for my horrible updates and making you guys hate me probably like I'm sorry I'm just not working properly this week😂😢 anyway enjoy this horrible chapter

Ron was overprotective, to say it in the simplest. But you loved that about him. You thought that was just adorable. And it was nice to know that someone cared sometimes.
And He sure showed that today.

Cormac McLaggen was always the one to flirt with you. And today it went a bit far.
His friends, himself and you, were out sitting by a tree out on the Hogwarts grounds.
Cormac, as always, was flirting crazily with you. And this time, it got physical. His hand slid down your thigh as you tried swatting it away, but he didn't stop. His hand kept travelling further up, and you have him a glare, to which he responded with just a smirk. You could see Ron storming up, proving that he saw. You gave Ron a look that said
'PLEASE get this creep away from me' and he did just that.

He approached you, and yanked Cormac away from you. Of course, he punched him a good three tines, then helped you up, putting a protective arm around your waist.
"She's mine, back the bloody hell off." He sneers in an almost Malfoy-like way. And with that, Cormac had a broken nose and ran off. You smiled up at your boyfriend.
"Thank you, Ron."
"He can't touch you like that. Only me." He kisses your forehead, as you stride back up towards the castle.

A/N: I'm really sorry this one sucked I'm just not feeling great today idk what's wrong with me everything just feels off, ya know? 😂😂

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