George X Reader

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George's POV

I wandered the halls of Hogwarts, no idea where my twin is. Normally we would never leave each others side, but I have no idea where he ran off to. So that's precisely why I'm stuck here, wandering alone. I spot Y/N, the girl I've always watched from a far. I've really thought her to be beautiful, but she's never really noticed me. But that's when she sees me, and waves. I smile and return the gesture. That night, that moment played over and over. I don't know why.

---------Fifth year------

I sit by Y/N, subconsciously, as I try to gain my courage. I was going to ask her. This was it. I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Since last year, we have become the best of friends. And I really loved her. She meant everything to me, and I was scared of asking her out. I didn't want to ruin the friendship we already had.
"Y/N?" She turns to me with a smile.
" Yeah, Georgie?" She asks.
"I..I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I shyly smile at her. Her face lights up, and I feel a great weight lift off my chest.
" Of course!" She tackles me into a hug.

-------------After the Battle of Hogwarts--------

I sit down by the tombstones, from three years ago. The tears roll down my face, as I cry silently. Three years later, I still cry myself to sleep sometimes. I feel so bad I couldn't even save my own twin. He deserved so much better...i look over to the tombstone right next to it.

I let out a sob I've been holding in for so long, and the tears flodded more now. I look up to the sky.

"Im so sorry..."
"Im so sorry I couldn't save you, Y/N."

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