Tom Riddle X Reader

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A/N: Heheh I stayed home from school today cause I could so imma try to post more imagines. Eh send in requests

Warnings: None

Scanning the books in the library for it. You run your fingers along every line of books you can find, even somehow gaining permission to go into the restricted section. Muggle studies...Transfiguration...
You quickly read the titles of the books in front of you, searching for the specificality of one. Your eyes move quickly along the lines of books, and you've finally found it. You take the book into your hands, and scan the words along the pages. And once you've found it, the adrenaline pulsed through you more than it had before.

Horcrux: an item of which, one uses when they wish to split their soul. Their soul essence resides within the chosen container, and soul splitting is a very nonchalant choice. One would then chose, say, a half life. One would split their soul for unforgivable purposes, as to gain power beyond words.

You smile slightly as you have found it, found what you've been looking for all these weeks. You quickly stuff the book away, as you were unable to sign this one out. You dash out of the library, sprinting towards the Slytherin common room, and your best friend, Tom Riddle. You two were quite close, you were the person he was closest to rather than anyone else. You were the person he could trust with his life, even if it meant endangering himself. He cared for you and you cared for him, both in ways you didn't yet know.

You dash through the portrait hole and to the couch Tom was currently sitting on, his nose deep into a book.
"Tom!" You shout, getting him out of his trance.
"Tom, look.." You say, pulling out the book and flipping to the part about Horcruxes, getting his attention. He takes the book from you rather aggressively, eager to learn more.
"Its not much but it's-"
"Its great Y/N! It's all we've got so thank you." He smiles up at you.
" Tom? Are you sure you want to do this?" You ask, placing a hand on his shoulder. He shakes it off.
"Yes of course. We've got it all planned out, remember? I'll henceforth be known as Lord Voldemort." He smirks.
" Yeah I know, but...i don't know if it's such a good idea. I mean, if this is what you truly want then I'm all in, I suppose. But I don't think it's the best idea for you. I don't want you to turn into something you're not. The handsome man you are, who knows what kind of fate can befall you in the future?" You say, giving him a pleading look. You would help Tom if he needed it, but you weren't really happy with this idea. You didn't want him getting hurt. Especially during the soul splitting process.

He thinks for a moment, considering, taking in what you had just said.
"I think...I think this is what I want,
Y/N. I mean look at th-"
"Tom I know! I'm just worried about you. You could turn into something horrid, and I don't want you to change. Listen, I've changed my mind. If this is what you want, then I won't stop you. But I won't help you any further. You're on your own from here. I'm sorry." You say, turning on your heel to walk up to the dormitories. Tom grabs you by the wrist.
"Y/N wait..." He hesitates, thinking.
"Yes, Tom?" You question, pressing for an answer.
"I...Will you stay with me if I don't? If I just throw all this Horcrux business away, would you be mine?" He asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear gently. You smile up at him.
"Of course. But I won't, if you're still messing about with the Horcruxes." You frown at the thought.
"Of course.." He whispers, kissing you lustfully.

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