Draco X Reader (Short)

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A/N: I should probably make my own Draco imagines book instead cause I write about him too much

Sitting in the library studying for your next test, you feel a pair of eyes on you. You look up and around you, feeling a pair of arms wrap around you. Malfoy and you weren't dating, he just liked to always hit on you and tease you. He enjoyed it for some reason you didn't yet know.

"Malfoy, I have to study." You say, shrugging his arms off.
"I can see that, love."
"Go away."
"You're just trying to distract me so you'll stay too of the class cause you know I'll get better marks than you. Leave me alone."
"And I can see that it's working, love." He says huskily into your ear. He was right. You always liked him, you just weren't willing to admit it.

He apparently noticed the shivers he was giving you, and the way you slightly leaned into him as he just continued to test you.
"Malfoy, let me study."
"No." He whines, pulling you closer and leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.
You let out a soft moan, which makes him smirk against your skin. He just continues to kiss your flesh, when you can't take it anymore. You pull him in and kiss him roughly. You pull away for air.
"I knew you wanted me." He smiles as he puts his arm around you while you pack up your books and throw them into your bag.
"Yeah yeah, c'mon. My dorm?" You smile.
"Of course.." He smiles back, as you walk out arm in arm.

A/N: wow okay that one sucked

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