Percy X Reader

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A/N: Okay, so this was half inspired by another writers story, so a bit of the first will be somewhat credited to the original writer, but it has been roughly edited. (No idea who the writer is) Requests open, :)

You're running down the halls of Hogwarts with the Weasley twins, much past curfew. There is no question about it you would be given at least a week of detention, as you and the twins having just played a prank on their older brother, Percy, who happens to be head boy, and on top of that it was, well past curfew. Having dyed his hair a ridiculous colour of blue, and put a semi-permanent levitating charm on his textbooks which were now floating at the top of Slytherin common room, let us say he was in no mood to negotiate punishments, and had his priorities straight.
The twins pull you into a small alcove between walls, masked by the shadows, waiting for the Gryffindor prefect to pass, calling your names angrily, but it never came.

"Maybe he retired back to the common room?" You reasoned.
"Nah, it's not like him to stop looking for three rule breakers who had just greatly embarrassed him." Fred laughed quietly. And that's when you felt a warm hand grip your wrist and roughly pull you out of the alcove, looking up to see Percy Weasley. You winced at the sudden roughness, and tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he just tightened his grip and scolded you and the twins, who were biting back a laugh at Percys hair, and his overly red face that was basically the colour of his previous hair colour.
"You know what? I don't even know if there is any sense in giving you three detention, as I frankly don't think it will stop you in the future from ruining someone's reputation!" He scolded.

"Right on that one, Perce." The twins said in unison. You bit your lip, trying your hardest not to laugh.
"C'mon Perce, We were just having some fun!" You say, smiling.
"Fun? Yes because to you 'fun' means ruining someones hair and taking their textbooks and putting them at the top of the ceiling in our rivals common room for a week!" He growls.
You sigh.
"Well, it was quite funny.." Fred says.
"And you should be used to your own brothers acting like this.." George states
"Well, your loss, if you don't want to stop being a bombous-ass and have some fun for once in your damn life!" You exclaim, a hint of rudeness in your voice.
"'Fun', Is not making someone look like a complete git!" He says, clearly enraged.
"Well, it sure goes well with you, as that's what you're acting like right now! Or maybe you have always been a git, and i've just never noticed because I was quite blinded by.." You cut yourself off, not finishing your sentence. It was your fourth year, and you have liked Percy ever since second year, when he sat on the train with you when the twins were with other people in their year. But you surely weren't going to make Percy aware of your feelings, in fear of being shut down or greatly embarrassed.
"Blinded by what?" He asks, his voice still laced with anger, yet a bit softer this time.
"Nothing you need to know of. Now are you going to give us our detention times, so we can go back to our dorms, or can we just go?" You ask, annoyed and a bit of a blush creeping onto your face.

"Just go, but how in the name of Merlin do i get this putrid colour out of my hair?" He asks, greatly annoyed.
You laugh. "just wash it, Perce. C'mon, guys." You say to the twins as you make your way back to the common room.
"Y/N, We think we've figured out your secret.." George says, smirking.

"What secret?" You ask, hoping they didn't know.
"You like our git brother!" They exclaim in unison. You clamp your hands over their mouths, shutting them up in fear of Percy hearing.
"Shut up! So what if I do? He's still a git and there's no way he would like me back. Just leave it, okay?" You sigh, hoping they wouldn't let out your secret.
"Fine, fine. But, Y/N, he might like you. We would know, we are his brothers..." Fred says, smirking.
"Yes, that is true, but you are also the prankster kings, so I would do well to not believe you anyway, thanks. All it is would be you guys embarrassing me." You said disappointed knowing you would never have a chance with Percy.
"No, actually. Ask him to the Yule ball, before we do it for you." George says.

"Wha...What? No! No way am I doing that! He would totally shut me down! He hates me!" You almost yell, walking back into Gryffindor common room.
"Ah, but that, my friend Y/N, is where you are wrong." Fred says simply.
"Y'see, we were..erm..talking about you with him the other night. Not in any bad or weird way, of course! But every time your name was mentioned, he would blush. Not somethin' light, either, it was a mad blush. Just ask, Y/N! Because we will!" George says, hopefully.
"Why are you guys so involved in this anyway? I'll consider it, but in the meantime i'm going to bed, thank you." You yawn as you squeeze past them, and up to your dorm.
You lay down, Wondering if what they said was true, and if Percy might actually like you, and contemplating whether or not you should ask him to the Yule ball that was in a week's time.

Two days later, you still hadn't asked Percy anything about the ball. The twins kept pestering you, but you have taken to ignoring them whenever they brought the subject up. You stood from your seat as the bell signaled the end of class and headed for the great hall, going to dinner. You went in and sat with the twins, Eating in almost silence, listening to them planning their next prank and telling them you would sit this one out, nodding along to the ideas they came up with. Your mind was currently set on something else, you were finally going to do it. You were going to ask Percy to the Yule ball.

You walked out of the great hall, having stayed behind a little later than others to think of just how you were gonna do it, and to gather all the more courage. You walked down an empty hallway, hoping to find Percy. And to your luck, he came striding down the hall towards you.

"Yeah?" He turned to you.
"Umm.." Damn. Stop! Just say it!
"W..Well...Umm..I was just wondering I..If maybe you wanted to uh..go to the Yule ball with me? I mean its okay if you don't want to I understand!" You blurt. Damn stuttering!
"O..oh.. This is another prank, isn't it? Just to embarrass me?" He said, rage starting to build in him.
"What? N..No! It's not! I swear!" You say, sadness starting to build, noticing he didn't trust you in the least bit.
He scoffs. "Yeah, okay, Y/N. Even if it wasn't, sorry, but i'm already attending with Penelope, the Hufflepuff head girl." He says rather rudely.
"I..Oh. O-Okay..Sorry for wasting your time.." You say, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes, almost jogging away, not letting him see the single tear that fell. You knew you shouldn't have asked, you knew you would get shut down. Stupid feelings..You go up to the astronomy tower, just sitting down and looking into the distance, it was peaceful, other than the constant thoughts running through your head.

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