Ron X Reader

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A/N: Sorry that my previous chapters are so short. Ill try to make them longer tomorrow! Requests open!

Transferring from Beauxbatons was not the brightest idea in the world. It was bloody horrifying. You didn't think you would get any friends, you didn't know what the people here were like. They could be like the people at your old school. They bullied you relentlessly. They would start pathetic and untrue rumours about You, whisper when you were around, and talk about you like you weren't there. It was unreal. All you could hope for was a change. For people here to be different, and to respect you.

You approach the towering castle that they referred to as Hogwarts. It was a thousand more times beautiful than Beauxbatons.
You walk up the steps of the entrance hall, and head into the great hall when you were announced. Whispers immediately started flying around you, and you were scared that this year would be exactly like the last three you had at Beauxbatons. You frown in worry, but step up to the sorting hat nonetheless. It seemed a bit silly trying on a hat in your fourth year, but you shrugged it off as you waited for its decision.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yells, as a series of applause echoes throughout the room, you get up and put on your best smile, and make your way over to the Gryffindor table. You take a seat beside a nervous looking brunette boy, and smile at him. You hold out your hand.
"I'm Y/N." He looks up to you and accepts your hand.
"Neville. Neville Longbottom." He sly smiles.
"Nice to meet you." And you turn toward the front, listening to Dumbledore's speech, your eyes caught a heap of bright red. You see him glance towards you, then leaning over to his friend.
"Blimey, Harry, she's bloody gorgeous." He smiles towards him, as his friend, who you assumed was Harry, met your eyes and smiled. You returned it quickly and turned back to the table, which had now somehow conjured up food. And a lot of it.

"This is the common room. Your dorms are that way." Harry, your newly made friend, points towards the way your dormitory supposedly was.
"Thank you." You smile, to which he returns. He saunters off, towards his redhead friend. You immediately got a good look at his face, and one thought came to mind.

Geez, he's cute!

You smirk to yourself, as you had already developed a slight crush, for someone you had hardly even talked to yet. You make your way to the dormitories, organizing and laying out all your belongings.

------Time Skip(four months)--------

You had almost instantly became friends with the golden trio, and they loved you. You were overly happy with the fact that you had actually gotten friends, including Neville, who had a rather unpleasant run in with Professor Moody during Defence Against The Dark Arts. Harry had been chosen in the triwizard tournament, and Ron was no longer on speaking terms with him. You sighed, at your friends stupidness. You knew Harry couldn't have put his name in the cup, but Ron was being retarded.

So that's why you approached him after dinner one night.

"Ron?" You ask, sidling up to him.
"Hm?" He grunts in response, clearly unintrigued with your disturbance.
"Why are you mad at Harry?" You ask, careful not to heat up his mood.
"Why the bloody hell not? He bewitched the cup! And he didn't even bother to tell me how or Why, I mean I'm his best friend! Well, I should have hoped so."
"Ron, I understand where you're coming from, and why you're mad but you know full well Harry couldn't have put his nam-" you try, only to be rudely interrupted.
"YES Y/N, HE COULD HAVE! He gets all this attention because he's 'The chosen one', just about anyone would be willing to help him! And now you're on his side. I should've known you weren't worth it..." He mutters, storming off to his dorm, and slamming the door behind him.

I'm not worth what? Your Time? I know that. I'm not worth your words? I know that too. I'm not worth enough to even be part of your life? Probably true as well...

You can't stop the thoughts from passing through your head, and you feel tears linger in your eyes. You run to your dorm, and from them on, you do all you can to ignore Ron. Though, you didn't really need to try that much, because he was doing it just fine on his own, staying away from you.

The day eventually came, when Harry told you Ron had come to his damned senses and apologized to Harry, saying he believed him. You envied Harry, as he had gotten Ron's respect back. Ron was still ignoring and avoiding you. You moped out through the hallways, as you felt yourself be pushed into a nearby broom closet.

"Mhmph! Hey! Let me go!" You yell, beating on your attackers back.
"Sshhhhh!" He hisses, closing the door.
"Who is it?!" You spit, barely able to make out the person's face.
"Its Ron. And before you freak out, I wanted to apologize for being such a git. I like you, love you, really. I Have ever since you transferred here, and I was wondering if you would attend the Yule ball with me?" He asks.
"Yes, I will! But pushing me into a broom closet? Really?!"
"I know, not my best idea.. I'm sorry." He hangs his head. You pull his head up with one hand, trying not to poke his eye out or something, because it was so dark you could hardly see a damned thing.

You place your lips on his, and start moving them in sync. He kissed back gratefully, to your pleasure. You both pulled away, completely out of breath.
"I love you, Y/N L/N." He smiles.
"I live you more, Ronald Weasley."

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