Percy X Reader X George

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A/N: So, Here it is! For you Weasley lovers! I think I did a rly bad job on this one but..Okay..

You hated it. You just absolutely hated it. You hated the fact that you had a crush on two of the most ridiculous Weasleys. George and Percy. Of course it was mental, liking two people at once. But you couldn't help it. George's pranks were absolutely hilarious, his eyes were so soft, and you could go on for hours. Percy, on the other hand, was a bit different. He was more of a good version of George, Percy was a git, but was a Prefect, and the way he stated it, and puffed his chest out any time someone important walked by, to show his importance, was both cute and funny.
Being lost in thought about the two Weasleys, you didn't realize what was going on around you until Snape had brought a book slapping down onto your desk, snapping you out of your daydreams. You jerk out of your thoughts, and paid instant attention to the angry Snape in front of you. You hesitantly looked up into his face that was contorted with anger.
"L/N, would you like to tell me why you have been staring at Weasley, for the past fifteen minutes of my lesson?" Snape's cold voice rings through you.
"S-sorry, Professor." You stuttered. He slowly walks away, throwing insults at any other Gryffindor he passed. You saw Percy smiling out of the corner of your eye, as you were busy being embarrassed about the fact you didn't even know that you had been completely oblivious to the fact you had been staring at your long time crush. You wanted to vanish off the face of the planet.

"Hey, Y/N!" George says happily to you as he slung an arm around your shoulders on your way outside.
"Hello, George." You say, smiling. You walk out to a bench, and both sit down.

"So, Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something..."

"Well..Would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?" He nervously scratches the back of his neck.
"I'd love to, George." You say, smiling uncontrollably.

"Great! Well..See you.." He says before walking off.
Yet, little did you know, would it be that simple to just go to the ball with your long time crush. Because his twin had other plans.

"Percy! You know what I heard?" Fred says to his brother.
"What is it now, Fred?" Percy turns around, annoyed.
"I heard Y/N is going to the Yule Ball with George!"
"Okay? And that affects me how?" Although Fred could sense a hint of jealousy in his voice as his eyes also widened a bit at the news.

"And I also heard they were snogging each other's faces off in a broom cupboard, a few hours ago!"

"She WHAT? My own brother for Merlin's sake!" Percy almost yells, immediately setting off to find Y/N.

Finally finding you in a hallway with your friends, Percy walks up to you and grabs you roughly by the wrist. You mouth an apologetic 'Sorry' to your friends and they shrug and walk off.

"Percy, what the hell?"
"Want to tell me why you were snogging MY brother only mere hours ago? You know that is strictly against the rules, I could have given you detention!" Percy almost yells, causing a few first years to look at him warily.
"Do I detect..jealousy?" You ask, smirking.

"Wh..No! Of course not! Honestly, who would like someone like you, who is three years younger than me, and was filthy and snogged my brother in a broom cupboard?" He replied rather rudely.

You were taken aback by his comment, and rage seemed to ignite in you.

"And, might I say, you agreed to go to the Yule ball with him? Honestly, Y/N, I thought you had class."
"You know what, Percy? Maybe if you weren't so narcissistic and would have asked me yourself, you wouldn't be like this! You're a real pompous git and I'm ashamed to think I ever liked you." You say, turning around and running off. You hear footsteps trailing after you, but you ignore them. Finally, you round a corner a little too slowly and feel a hand grip your wrist once more, but not as roughly as last time.
"Y/N..I'm sorry.I wanted to ask you, honest. But then I found out my own brother asked you and I felt betrayed, because he knew I liked you as well. But I didn't know you liked me, and I'm sorry for being a prat. But you're right, I should have asked you before George, and I'm ashamed that I didn't." Percy says, looking down towards his feet in embarrassment.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. But I want you to have a good night with George tonight, and I'm sorry for basically ruining it." And with that, he walks off, ignoring your calls for him to come back.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating often! I meant to last night, I swear but I fell asleep while writing it bc I'm really sick again, but It's the weekend and I'm gonna be updating hopefully more! Despite me being sick...

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