Draco x Reader X Harry part 2

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Third Person POV

As you walk through Hogsmeade, feeling the cold winter's air hit your cheeks, walking side by side with Harry, you take his hand in yours, and entwine your fingers. You look over and smile at him, and he smiles back, once again turning bright red. You walk into the Three Broomsticks together, sliding into a table. As your taking your scarf and such off, Harry asks what you would like.

"Hm..how about a Butterbeer, please?"
"Okay!" He says cheerfully and walks over to order two. He comes back with your drinks and sits beside you, and you start talking about all sorts of things. Like Quidditch, and school. You lay your head on his shoulder, and he takes your hand in his. You loved this. You think you might even like him..more than a friend. And thats how you guys sat, for what seemed like hours when you caught a glimpse of platinum blonde. Was that..?

"Awe, Lookie here, Potter and (L/n). How adorably cute. Hmph. Disgusting. Get a room, filthy blo-" He was cut off short by yourself and harry rising from your chairs, Harry right in Malfoy's face.

"Listen here, Malfoy. We came out here to have a nice day without your pestering and taunting and being a damn asshole all the time to us. Leave (Y/n) alone, and stay away from her. She can have at least one peaceful day without you bullying her and making her feel bad all the time, now get away from us and let us enjoy the rest of our afternoon."

Malfoy looked genuinely surprised at Harry's outbreak, and you did as well, but were very thankful, except a small part of you kind of wanted Draco to talk to you...What?! Okay, no.

Malfoy stormed off, with Parkinson on his heels.

"Harry, thank you but you didn't ha-"

"Yes, I did. I wanted a nice day with you without Malfoy patronizing us, but we couldn't even have one day." He sighs. You reach out and place a hand on his arm. He flinches at this but his expression softens soon after.

"Thank you, Harry. It means a lot." You give him a reassuring smile. He smiles back and then he slowly starts leaning in. Before you know it, You feel a pair of soft lips moving in perfect sync with yours, giving in soon thereafter. He pulls away.

"Thank you, (Y/n), Today was wonderful." He smiles at you, Blushing madly.
"Thank you." You smile at him.

As you two get up to leave, he entwines his fingers with yours, walking out of the Three Broomsticks together.

And that's when it happened.

Running up to you, he pushed you away from Harry.

Grabbed you,

And kissed you roughly, but sweetly.

Draco's POV

I've had enough. Potter told me off seconds ago, saying he wanted this nice romantic evening with (l/n). I should be in his place. She should be here with me. And, glancing back at them, I see blood traitorous Potter lean in and kiss her. Jealousy stabbed through me like a sword of Gryffindor.

I walked out With stupid Parkinson hanging off me, and walked up the lane a bit, waiting for Potter and (Y/n) to come.

Finally, they did. and I couldn't help it. I ran up to her, Ignoring Pansy's cries for me to come back.
And I just
I kissed her. I didn't know what i was doing. I quickly pulled away and stared at her beautiful, shocked expression.
"Malfoy, What the hell was that?!" Potter growls at me.
"(Y/n)...I..I think i'm in love with you.." I blurted out. Damn..why would I do that??

"Malfoy, leave her alone!" Potter yells as he grabs my arm and pulls me away from her. I yank my arm out of his grasp, wondering how (Y/n) Will react to this..But, scared of how she will, I walked away, leaving them behind.


Third Person POV

You don't know what to do, as you're sitting back in the common room, thinking about what you just witnessed. Harry was sweet, and kissed you sweetly, and lets his guard down easily. While Draco is rather apprehensive, but his kisses..the way he kissed you, that was one you would not forget for a long time.

A/N: Sorry for the really shitty story, I'm really bad at this. I'll try to make the next one shorter. Requests open :)

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