Draco X Reader

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Prompt ~~ He cheats

Warnings: Cheating, snogging and swearing.

You walked down the halls of Hogwarts, hoping to run into your boyfriend, Draco. You wanted to ask him about helping you study for your next potions essay. You turned a corner and saw two bodies. Two people snogging, of course. You didn't think much of it, until you saw who the one was pressed against the wall. Draco. Pansy Parkinson was on top of your boyfriend, and had him pressed against the wall. You were about to yell out at her to get off him, until you noticed his expression. He wasn't struggling beneath her grasp, he wasn't trying to do anything to get away. And that's when you knew, that you have been dating a cheater.
"What do you even see in Y/N anyway? She's quite a bitch, if you ask me." Parkinson sneered.
She then leaned in and kissed Draco, and that's not the worst part. You saw him kissing back. His hands flew to her waist, holding her in place. Her hands were entwined behind his neck, and their kiss turned into a heated make out session. You watched in horror, as your oh-so-perfect boyfriend is right in front of you, cheating with the girl you hate more than anything. You try to escape quietly, covering your mouth with both hands as you try to keep strangled sobs from escaping, backing away soundlessly and fast, you trip over a patch in the carpet and Draco breaks away from Parkinson to look at your tear streaked face, his blue-grey eyes meeting yours, turning from confusion to sorrow seeing you there. You quickly get up and start running, as he pushes Parkinson away and runs after you.
"Y/N! It's not what It looked like, I swear! Please, stop. Let me explain!" He yells after you. You eventually slow down, not being able to handle the loss of breath from running and crying at the same time. He catches up to you and immediately starts blabbering on about 'how she just jumped onto me first'.

"No, I saw the whole, fucking, thing, Malfoy." You spat his name like filth. His expression dropped when you said his last name.

"But Y/N-" He was cut short by your hand making extreme contact with his face. He stares in shock, his mouth slightly agape.
"Fuck you, Malfoy. You're a lying, filthy cheater and then you have the audacity to lie to me about it. You're disgusting. I hate you, I hope Parkinson gets what she wanted so badly.Get the hell away from me. And don't you ever, think for a second I'll talk to you civilly ever again. Piss off.." You run into your dorm, before he can see the next wave of oncoming tears. You cried yourself to sleep for months after that, and Draco never tried to talk to you again. You also never saw him with Parkinson again, either. She kept trying to talk to him and snog him again, but even when you weren't around he would yell at her and push her away every time.

Draco wasn't doing to well either, ever since the breakup. He cried right after the breakup, and never felt the energy to do anything he used to. His life was dark and horrible without you, You were the sunlight to his darkness. And his life was completely dark without you. He missed you horribly, and could hardly force himself to eat in the mornings. He hated himself for letting Parkinson onto him, and you didn't let this go unnoticed. You were worried about Draco, to say the least. You certainly did not forget what happened that night between him and Parkinson, but you saw how much he changed. He stopped hanging around his friends, and stopped picking on people for a while. He pretty much just kept to himself. You thought about forgiving him for what he did, but did Parkinson really force herself onto him? You saw what happened, but you missed Draco. And you saw how miserable he was. He had dark circles under his eyes, too. You decided to finally approach him, in potions.

You walked up to Draco's desk, where he was hanging his head and fiddling with his fingers.

"Draco?" His head immediately shot up at the sound of your voice, and he stood up.

"Y/N..I'm so sor-" You kissed him. It might not have been logical, but you missed the stupid git. and You would be lying if you said you didn't start to believe him over the months apart. He immediately kissed back, and you broke away before Snape could catch you and give you weeks' worth of detention. He looked shocked, but you just smiled at him. His eyes showed confusion.

"I believe you." You say, before turning on your heel and walking away towards your seat when class started.

When you were out in the hallway after class, you felt a sudden pressure on your shoulders and your books fell out of your hand, then felt something soft on your lips. Opening your eyes to see it's Draco, you kiss him back, moving your body closer to his. You hear a shriek from behind and you break apart to see Parkinson staring in disbelief. You smirked at her, and Draco slung an arm around your shoulders. As you walked past Parkinson, Draco said.
"Mine. Don't even think about touching me again, you little slut." And she looked horrified. You and Draco walked away, getting mild looks from people as you walked past them.

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