Young!Sirius X Reader

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"Hey, L/N!" You heard Sirius yell from behind you in the halls.
"What do you want, Black?" You ask.
"Oh, I just want the proof that you fancy me." He smirks.
"I do NOT fancy you, Black! Ugh!" You almost yell, furious at this accusation, though it was absolutely true.
He then kisses you, and you stiffen. You start to melt into it, when he pulls away.
" See? You fancy me."
"I do not!"
"Siriusly? (Haha aren't I funny?) Why are you in denial about this all?" He asks, smiling down at you.
"I am not in denial!" You say, stomping your foot in anger.
"You're in denial about being in denial!" He chuckles. You grumble and storm off, fed up with him. He catches up to you and grabs your hand, pulling you into a nearby empty classroom, much to your disliking. He then pushes you against the wall, and it's a full out snogging session when you kiss back. You tug at his hair, as he finally pulls away.
"See? You fancy me."
" Okay, Black. Maybe a little." You say, pecking him on the lips and smirking, walking away and leaving him there, smirking, happy with his accomplishments.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter lmao I'm tired asf

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