Draco X Reader

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A/N: I'm so sorry for all my short chapters....

Warnings: Swearing

Being prefects with Draco Malfoy means sharing a room with him. Usually boys and girls would be separated, but head boy and head girl are a different story.

The platinum blonde had always caught your eye, had always intrigued you. He was always quite polite to you, which was unnaturally surprising. He was normally a git to everyone he crossed paths with. But you shrugged it off.

Walking into the dormitory you shared with Draco, you noticed something was different. You flicked on the light, only to see Draco's nightstand covered with tissues. You made a disgusted face, and hesitantly walked over to your roommate.
"Draco? You okay? You ask.
"Nngghh..." he moans out.
He sits up in his bed, and looks at you with puffy eyes and a red nose. You giggled at the sight. He was an adorable mess.
"Its not funny! I cant- *cough cough* - I can't breathe!" He exclaims nasally.
" You know, you're adorable when you're sick."
"I'm not adorable!" He fights.
" You kinda are." You say.
"Am Not!"
"Are too."
"Am not!"
" Okay, Draco! You're sick, so you stay right here. No attending classes either..." You say, heading for the door.
"In going to attend my classes too!" He tries.
"No you aren't Draco." You say simply.
"Yes I am!"
"No you're not."
"I am!" He gets up, heading for his robes.
"Draco Lucius-fucking Malfoy!" You yell, causing him to stop dead in his tracks.
"You're not going anywhere, you're staying right in here so I can take care of you!" You say.
" So you want to take care of me?" He says, smirking, trying to look hot, but failing, as he walks over, he sneezes so hard that the impact caused him to fly back and onto the floor, causing him to groan again. You laugh.
"Stop laughingggg!" He moans.
"But you're adorably cute." You say.
" If you don't stop calling me adorable, I'll kiss you." He threatens.
" So you want to kiss me?" You smirk.
"Yes, but I also want to get you sick. Because Draco Malfoy is not adorable." He says.
"But you are adorab-" he kissed you, cutting you off. He pulled back after a few moments and smirked.
"Now you're gonna be sick." He smirks still.
"I hate you.." You groan out.

"Draco you're a fucking prick..." You say, because he had just turned the lights on, and you're now officially sick.
"I know." He saunters over towards you.
"But you love me." He smirks.
"I do." You say, trying to kiss him, but he leans out of the way.
"Ill kiss you when you aren't sick. Thank you." He says.
"Ugh..." You flop back onto your bed, causing him to laugh and lay beside you. You then cough, and purposely cough on him. He pulls back with a look of disgust.
"Gotcha..." You smirk, eyes half opened.
" You know, I'll get those damn Weasley twins to play a prank on you. I swear to it..." He frowns as he gets up to leave for his own bed but you pull him back by the hand.
"Stayyy with meeeeee..." You whine, causing him to blush.
" Fine..." He mutters, laying back down beside you.

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