Draco X Reader

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Warnings: Um, none I don't think??

Being in love with Draco Malfoy was not exactly a great idea. You knew he was a heartless git, but you couldn't help it. The blonde Intrigued you since first year, and being now in your eighth year, he hasn't come back to finish school after the rebuilding of Hogwarts.
You were sitting out by the black lake by your favourite tree, hoping to have a bit of time before graduation. You saw a sharp rock on the ground near You, and decided to pick it up. You approached the tree once more, and out of boredom and wanting to leave your mark somewhere, wrote:

I love You, Draco Malfoy. Shame you couldn't know. ~ (Your initials)

You threw the rock down in frustration, realising you should have said something to him while you had the chance. You would probably never see him again and you still had the longing, burning feeling in your stomach for him. You couldn't shake it no matter what you did. No matter how many guys you dated. You truly tried to get him out, but you couldn't. You sit back down and rest your head back against the tree and close your eyes. You hear the bells signaling noon over and head back to finish your last class of the year before you leave Hogwarts.

--------------------a year later

Revisiting Hogwarts after a year of being away from it is simply what made your day. You couldn't help but visit that tree you've loved after so long, the very one you carved your love for Draco into. Not expecting or knowing what was to come, you walk over and your eyes search the tree for your signature. You find it, and run your fingers over it. It looks almost the same as the day you carved it. But you notice something else. Looking below your little confession of love, you see another note that reads:

I love you too. Well I know now. ~ Draco Malfoy

Your eyes widen, particularly at how new the carving looked and that Draco might have actually felt the same way about you. Hearing the sound of leaves crunch behind you, you instantly spin around to meet the cold but all too familiar grey eyes. You look up into that gorgeous face of Draco Malfoy.
"Fancy meeting you here, L/N." His voice rings through your ears as he smirks at you. You stand there, dumbfounded. Mouth slightly agape, and he continues. "That's it? No 'Hey Draco! I've missed you and I'm so glad you share the same undying love!' You're just gonna stand there and stare?" He laughs a little.
"Shut up.." You mutter. You walk up to him and look up at him, not being able to resist anymore. You pull him in by the collar and kiss him, gently. He instantly kissed back, his hands snaking around your waist. The kiss wasn't lust filled, (as it would be in years to come;) but more of compassion, love. You pulled away for air, and cupped his face in your hands.
" You know, I really do love you, Draco.." you say softly.
"And I really do love you too.." he says before kissing you once more.

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