Draco X Abused Reader

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A/N: Hey!! Finally the weekend, so guess what? MORE UPDATES!!!!! Okay, seriously, i'm staying up till 3 in the damn morning for you guys...well, here it is!

Warnings: Mentions of abuse, swear words

"Damn it, Y/N! Cant you do a single fucking thing right?!" My single father yelled at me as I accidentally dropped one of my textbooks in Diagon Alley, getting my school supplies, for my fourth year at Hogwarts.

"S..Sorry.." I stuttered as I bend down to pick up my fallen textbook.

"Piss off, get the hell up and lets go." He said, gripping my arm so hard it was sure to bruise for a good week or two. He drags me out to the streets, as we decide where to go next.

God, why does it have to be him i'm here with? I thought, as he started yelling at me, causing a few people to stare.
"...Y/N, you filthy slut, are you even listening to a single goddamn word i am saying?! Come the hell on, we're going. Jesus Christ child, maybe I should put you into an asylum. Witchcraft and Wizardry..what a poor excuse for a school..." He says, his voice faltering slightly at the end.

"Sorry.." I mutter again, scared of what he'll do if I don't reply. And that's when I saw it. A flash of platinum blonde. Please, please let it be him.. I think as I struggle to see him through the crowd. And I found him. I found him. I start to sprint immediately, towards the blonde who I loved so much, who had been my best friend ever since I had started at Hogwarts.

I finally got to him, ignoring my fathers angry yells for me to "Get the hell back here".
I hug him, jumping into his arms, causing him to stagger a bit, but instantly hugging me back, close to him.

"Oh, Y/N? What is it?" Draco asks, worry in his voice. And that's when my father came up to us and he tried to grab me back, grabbing ahold of me by the neck. Draco instantly backs us away, pointing his wand at him.

"Don't you dare touch her, can't you see she's scared? Back off, Leave her." Draco defends, anger coursing through him.
"Whatever, she's yours to take care of now..." Father mutters, walking away and leaving me with Draco. He pulls back, enough to look into me eyes, his beautiful blue-grey eyes boring into me. He brushes a strand of hair out of my face, his face twisted into an expression of worry.

"Y/N...Did he hurt you? Are you okay?"

"I..I'm fine.." I manage to say, pain still brooding in my arm.
"You're not, Y/N. And it's okay, you're with me. I won't let him hurt you. I love you, Y/N.." He stared into your e/c eyes, searching.

"I..I love you too, Draco.." He kisses you on the forehead, still hugging you.

A/N: This chapter sucked ass i know.. Sorryyyyy....Send in requests and vote!

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