Draco Malfoy

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A/N: This imagine is a modern day one. You're outta Hogwarts and he learns about our current muggle technology....i guess. I know this one is bad, I was just running outta ideas. Sorry.

You impatiently wrote a letter to your best friend, Draco Malfoy, requesting him to come over to your house. You knew what you were asking of him, you knew that he would be the most confused wizard in all of London. But it's been 7 years since you last saw him at Hogwarts, and you wanted to see your old best friend again.

As you gave the letter to your owl, she flew off and headed for what you suspected was Draco's house. You knew he had moved out of his parents Manor and lived alone, you two had been exchanging letters every now and then. You've kept in touch, and that gave you comfort to reside in. At least you had a friend from Hogwarts...

You never really were the popular type during your years there. Being a halfblood, and believed strongly in equal rights and all. But somehow, Draco found it in him to become friends with you. It happened fast, and he even asked you out in fifth year, though it quickly ended in the next year, due to his stress and becoming a Death Eater. He broke it off with you during an argument when you tried to get him to talk to you properly. He apologised a year later, leaving you hesitant to reply, or accept his apology, because he left you in pain the whole year. But you accepted his apology. You actually had a few letters written to Draco, attempting to tell him about your feelings for him, but you could never get the courage to send them, so they just stayed on top of your desk.

Turning your bedside lamp off, you turn to your side, your thoughts being clouded with the platinum blonde you can remember so well.


Sadly, your slumber is brought to a quick end as you open your eyes to a bright sunshine shining through the window. You hear a tapping on the window, and squint to see a brown owl that you quickly noticed to belong to Draco. You had become accustomed to seeing his owl.

You take the white, thick parchment out of the birds beak and break the wax seal to see the neatly folded parchment inside. You take it out and quickly scan over the letter, your eyes widening once you reach the bottom of the page. He was coming...today? In two hours?! You start to panic, unequipped to muster through today. You quickly sprint down the stairs, immediately starting to tidy up your dirty house.


Hearing the doorbell ring, you yell for them to enter as you kick your dishwasher door shut and put the clean plates away. You turn and are met with grey eyes, and a charming smile.

You smile, and run up to your best friend, hugging him tight.
"Gah! Miss me much?" He chuckles as you let go.
"Not at all." You roll your eyes.

You lead him to the living room, where you flop down onto the couch, leting out a long sigh.
"Long morning?" He asks.
"Yes! I wasn't expecting you to come today!" You exclaim.
"Well you didn't clarify when and you didn't send a letter back, so I just assumed it was okay!" He smiles.
"Agh, it is..." You sly smile.

"What's that?" He questions. You turn to see him pointing to a thin, square box. You laugh and grab a remote.
" What is that?!" He asks, pointing in almost disbelief towards the device in your hand.
"A remote." You say simply.
"For that...thing?" He says, pointing to the PS4 again.
"Yes." You shrug, grabbing your second remote and handing it to him as you press the small circular button in the middle, turning the device on.

His mouth agape, he stares in disbelief as the box in front if you lights up, and he watches as you flick through the applications on the system like it's nothing.
" What the hell?" He asks, his face churned with 100% confusion. You laugh maliciously at him.
"Its called a PS4. It's a game system. You play games on it. Like...this!" You yell, grabbing the empty case to Final Fantasy, Heavensward.

" This game is an online game. You can play it across servers and play with others around the world. Wanna try?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows in a manner to get him to try the game out.

"Uh, okay.." he says as you turn on his controller. You quickly go over what button does what and how to play. You smile as you watch him die time after time and he gets frustrated at the system, putting the controller down and folding his arms, pouting like a little kid when he died for what seemed like the 837th time. You smile and pat his shoulder.

"You keep playing, I've gotta go to the bathroom." You say as you get up, leaving him alone in the room.


As you come out of the bathroom, you head to your room to throw a jumper on, as you find it's getting cold.
You walk in to see Draco standing at your desk, something in his hands. He was reading something, but what? You ask yourself as you approach him. You look over his shoulder, and immediately recognise it as one of the many letters you wrote, intending to confess your feelings to him.

You jump up and snatch it away, faking an angry expression.
"What're you doing?" You ask sternly.
"I-the game...it stopped working so I came to find you, and when I came in here I saw these letters addressed to me..." He stumbles over his words.
"In sorry. I shouldn't have touched them. Curiosity just got the better of me." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose lightly. You feel sorry for getting angry at him, and let your shield down.

"Agh, Draco. I know you were just curious. Well, there's no sense in keeping it from you now. Surprise! I like you..." You giggled shyly and hid your face in your hands.

You then felt two cold, but soft hands envelope yours and bring them from your face. Draco held your hands, looking you directly in the eye.

"Its a surprise I'm quite grateful for." He smirks, as he smashed his lips to yours. You kissed back after a moment of standing dumbfounded, and it seemed to ignite a fiery passion within the both of you. Draco wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to him. He then pulled you down onto your bed with him, never breaking the contact. As his hands wandered your body, you both finally pulled away for air. You smiled, as did he. You then both broke out into fits of laughter, gasping for air. You looked up to Draco.

"I love you." You say.
"I love you too, Y/N." He says as he kissed your forehead.
You then hear a distinguishable "ding!" Come from beside you, and you look over to see your phone lit up with a text message. You quickly grab it and realise it's from your mother, asking you to come over next week for dinner. You quickly type your reply as you hear Draco.
" What the bloody hell is that? What's with all these...things?!" He says in disbelief yet again. You giggle, reading what your mother had just said.

" Hey, Draco?" You say, whilst smiling.
"Hm?" He replies.
"Were gonna meet my parents next week!" You sing.

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