Draco X Reader

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Its your third year, and you've been with your boyfriend for a year and eight months now. Who, exactly? Draco Malfoy. You were in DADA at the moment, and professor Lupin was getting everyone to face their boggarts. So, you were scared, as you knew what yours would be.

As the line thinned, you got closer to the front. You had finally reached the front, and you had to face the boggart. You really didn't want to, with everything you had in you, but nonetheless, you did. As it came at you, it quickly turned into an exact replica of Draco. You almost thought it was him, for a moment. As you raised your wand, gaining a little amount of courage, you stuttered too much and nothing happened. You then began to hear what the boggart was actually saying.
" You disgusting, filthy little mudblood! I've never liked you, who could like a mudblood like you? Absolutely filthy, you are." He then raised a hand, intending to slap you, as you finally shouted "Riddikulus!" And feeling the tears stream down your face. You thought it was Draco, as it looked just like him. You could almost hear his raging at you, as your relationship was supposed to be secret and now it was technically revealed. You walked out of the room without another word, catching a glance from Draco that was both shocked and anger. Of course his reputation mattered more than you. It was what it would always be.

You sit down outside by the lake, crying quietly. You wipe your tears away as you hear footsteps approaching and turn to see your boyfriend. He gives you a glare.
"You were supposed to keep it secret. Now my reputation is ruined, thanks so much. I can't be with you, you can't keep a simple relationship secret. You're nothing to me." He sneers.
You stand up.
" You know what? I don't care! I loved you and you threw it away because you blame me for that stupid boggart. I couldn't control it, Draco! It's not my fault we had to face our fears today! It's not my fault that was my fear! So you know what? If your damn reputation is worth so much more than me, stay the hell away from me." You say, grabbing your things and walking back up to the castle, leaving a shocked and saddened Draco, not caring about the newly fallen tears.

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