Fred X Reader

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A/N: Okay dearies, I can't really imagine Fred to be the cheater type, or any of the Harry Potter characters really, but... here ya go ;)

Warnings: Swearing, Cheating, uhm..Snogging?

"Love you, Y/N." You boyfriend said with a smile as you part ways to go to your different common rooms. (Sorry if your house is Gryffindor.)

"I love you too, Freddie" You say as you kissed him. Fred Weasley was the kind of guy that girls only dreamed of dating. He did have a twin, and that flaming red hair that's passed through the family. And those eyes, a gorgeous shade of brown, any girl could get lost in those.

Walking down to y/h common room, you just felt something You shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing. You walked up to your dorm, and immediately fell asleep.


"Y/N, I swear, it never happened! She came onto me!" Fred pleaded with you, hoping for you to understand. You simply ignored him, and moved farther down the table to eat away from him.
Rumor has it that Fred, has snogged a Beauxbatons girl lastnight in a broom cupboard, since it was your fourth year. At first, you shrugged it off, refusing to believe that your Fred would cheat on you. But you believed it as soon as he came into the great hall to eat. He was with a long haired blonde, who was smirking as she walked into the hall, hand in hand with him.

You have had enough and got up from the table and walked right past Fred, refusing to say anything to him. You went up to your dorm, and didn't even cry knowing that he wasn't worth it. You just sat there, and stared at nothing. Your friends soon came into your dorm, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet. (i think i spelled her name right?) They knew about the rumors and stated they were true as Alicia had been one to see them the night previous. Sadness surged through you, knowing they weren't lying. You decided to go for a walk down abandoned corridors, both because you were bored and a small part of you wanted to catch Fred somewhere, so you can have proof.
Walking down one of the dungeon's corridors, you hear voices. You creep closer, instantly recognizing one as Fred's.
"No, Karliah. Not here..." Fred says, looking around to see if anyone is watching.
"But Freddie..." Pang. Yeah. A jolt of pain stabbed through you, that was your nickname for Fred. You see the girl lean in and kiss Fred, and him kissing back. Trying not to make any noise, you slowly back up and muffle your sobs. But unfortunately for you, one escaped and Fred immediately broke away from the girl, and jerked his head up to look at you. Sadness filled his eyes as he pushed the girl away and ran after you, you having already ran as soon as he saw you.

"Y/N! It isn't what it looked like, I promise! Please, talk to me!" He yells after you. When you get to y/h common room, you finally stop, and Fred is right there.

"Fuck you, Fred. I knew it was true. Get the fuck away from me, you're disgusting. It's absolutely filthy of you, I never took you as a cheater but clearly I was wrong. Fuck off." You say as you slam the portrait in his face.

He lost the only thing besides family he cared about, and he learned to never cheat again.

A/N: I just noticed I used Alicia and Katie and they're in Gryffindor but I tried to change the names and it won't let me so just bear with me here Lmao sorry..I still can't think of Fred to be a cheater tho...well, next I'll be doing Harry X Reader...idk if I shoukd end this book after that or not tho..

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