Fred X Reader

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Warnings: Swearing, rape mention

These were all words you were used to, though you didn't know why you were called them. You werent slutty, and certainly not a whore. You tried to simply shrug them off each day, but when your boyfriend, Fred Weasley was around, he would sure pay them well. He has asked you to the Yule ball just a few days previous, and you happily agreed. Tonight was the night you wanted to be yourself. Tonight was the night you finally got to enjoy yourself. Or was it really?

You had just finished picking at your outfit, looking at all the flaws and hoping you would look half decent tonight. With the beautiful dress you had, you were sure to sparkle though. After applying your make up, you finally walk down the stairs to the ball, your eyes scanning the room for Fred. Your eyes land on him. He's over at a table with George and Angelina, plus Katie Bell. Great. Was he really blowing you off for some gross quidditch player? You make your way down the steps, hearing a "She's beautiful..." from both Hermione, and quite surprisingly, Parkinson. Making your way over to the drinks not wanting to disturb Fred, you sit down. A guy from Durmstrang walks up.
"Hey beautiful.." He smirks at you.
"Hello." You say uncomfortably.
"Here, lemme buy you this drink." He says. You thank him and go back to minding your business when you feel warmth on your inner thigh. You look down to see a hand, greatly hoping it's Fred's. But as you follow the arm it lead to, you see it was the Durmstrang boy from before, still there. You swat his hand away, hoping he'll just give up and leave. But he doesn't. When he tries again, higher this time, you start to get a bit angry.
"Stop touching me. I have a boyfriend." You sneer.
"Oh? Where is He now, then? He's not here. I can replace him for Tonight, if you'd like..." He whispered the last part in your ear. You get up.
"No, you can't. Now leave me alone." You try to walk away, but he grabs your wrist and spins you around.
"Hey now it's only one night. Plus you're pretty sexy..i bet you're good in-" he was cut off by a rough voice.
"Get your bloody hands off my girlfriend. I do believe she said no." Fred's angry voice rang through.
" Yeah? And what if I don't? She's a pretty one, her. Didn't think you could have her all to yourself, did ya?" The Durmstrang boy said snarkily.
"I said get away from her, you bloody git!" Fred yells while clenching his jaw, trying not to punch him. The boy steps back and backs off, leaving you and Fred.
"Are you okay?" Fred asks, stroking your cheek with a finger as the crowd that had gathered to watch the scene shrank off.
"Not really no. I almost just got forced into going somewhere, likely to get raped, and you're over at the other side of the room with some fucking quidditch player who you're probably in love with!" You force yourself not to yell, not wanting to gather a crowd again.
"I love you, not Angelina or Katie. I swear. I'm sorry, George wanted me to sit with him until you came. And you look stunning, by the way." He adds, lightly kissing you on the lips.
"May I have this dance?" He asks as a slow song cones on.
"You may." You smile cheekily, accepting Fred's atm and heading out onto the dance floor.

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