Oliver X Reader

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A/N: New story cover cause Draco is overrated 😂
Nah I love him
I cooked you guys some fluff
Come read
Cause I just found a fucking spider in my bed isn't that fun? Fuck you eight legged demon spawns go back to the dimension of hell you came from

Oliver wood was yours. Of course, no one knew that, as he didn't want people knowing about your relationship for fear that would make people distract him from his Quidditch games. You hated having to keep your relationship we get for such a stupid reason, but you delay with it for the time being. But you were now fed up, as you had reached the one year milestone and he still refused to go public.

You were walking back from Oliver's Quidditch match against Slytherin, and he won. You didn't wait up for him on your way back, as you were still upset over the quarrel that went on earlier. You had tried to talk to him about going public, but he refused. You were angry, and you didn't want to deal with it at the moment Oliver ran up to you.

" Hey, Y/N!" He pants.
"What do you want?" You sneer, sounding more harsh than you meant to.
"What's wrong?" He asks, stopping you to hold onto your shoulders.
"Oliver, I'm sick of having to keep everything private! I want to have a normal relationship and be able to hold hands in the halls together! Sit with each other without it being a problem to your friends! But no, your fucking Quidditch is so much more important. You know What? If I really don't mean that much to you, then maybe we should break up." You say, voice cracking on the last word.
"Wait..Y/N! No please.. You know how much Quidditch means to me! I just didn't want to go public..."
" Yeah? Well you won't have to Now, cause I'm done." You say, turning on your heel to stride away.

----------Time Skip-------

You're sitting in the great hall, sending death glared towards Oliver. He sends one right back, and you turn to your food, ignoring the murmuring around you. You feel a hand pull you up by the shoulder, and a pair of lips smash onto yours. Oliver.
You kiss back when he pulls away. The hall is pretty much silent as most people turned to look at you two. He smirks.
"I think they know now."

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