Tom Riddle X Abused!Reader

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating. I feel horrible. But...Today is Christmas day, and I hope you're all enjoying it!

Warnings: Abusive boyfriend, swearing

Please don't read if you are easily triggered!

Tom Riddle didn't mess around. He may have been a slick git, but he didn't take shit from anyone.

And Y/N L/N was that girl. The girl with the sparkling E/C eyes, the H/L, H/C hair. Anyone would have been lucky to have her in their life. And Abraxas Malfoy completely abused that privilege. Literally.

So as Tom knew Y/N was currently in a relationship with Abraxas, he tended to try to push his feelings for her away. As much as he wanted her, he would let Abraxas have that pleasure. Which, was very unlike Tom, but this is you we're talking about.

"Are you fucking serious, Y/N?!" Your boyfriend, Abraxas Malfoy, yelled at you once you accidentally dropped a textbook on his feet in his dorm.
" I'm sorry!" You say, fearful.
"Sorry doesn't mean anything!" He growls, as he slaps you across the face. Tears sting your eyes.
"You're useless. You truly are." He grumbled.
"T-then why don't you leave me?" You ask, voice quivering.
"Excuse me?" He raises his voice.
" If I'm useless to you, why don't you leave me?" You say, louder, gaining confidence out of nowhere.
"Oh, Y/N, my dear, because you help with my nightly pleasures. Don't you know that?" He says, stroking your uninjured cheek. You shiver beneath his touch.

As you walked through the corridors, you know your cheek is still red from the beating Abraxas gave you earlier. You see a familiar face approaching you from the other end if the hall.
"Tom.." you whisper to yourself before jogging up to him, jumping into the brunette boy's arms.
"Y/N?" He asks.
" Yeah, Tom?" You ask, pulling away slightly to look up at him.
"What's this for?"
"Mhm, just happy to see you." You mumble, shoving your face back into his chest. But he pulls you away to look at your face.

"Y/N, what the hell is wrong with your face? It's bloody red!" He says, causing you to cringe at the thought of Abraxas.
"Its n-nothing, don't worry about it." You stutter out.
"No, it's a fucking handmark. What the actual hell is that bloody boyfriend of yours doing to you, Y/N?" He asks, holding you by your shoulders.
"I can't s-say, Tom." You say through choked sobs.
" Ill be back." He says, as he starts to stride off down the hall. You yell after him.
"Tom don't! Please!" But it's no use, as he doesn't turn back.


"Tom, why?" You ask, as you sit down on the common room couch with him.
He had just beaten the shit out of Abraxas, earning himself a black eye and a few bruises along his arms, but he's still breathing and sitting on this couch. And you were glad for that.

"Because Y/N, I care about you. And no one deserves to have that done to them. Let alone you." He says, looking down at you curiously.
" Thank you." You say, as you wince at the sound of your own rough voice. You had been crying, so your voice was a bit scruff.

"Its no problem. A Hogsmeade trip is coming up this weekend. Would you do me the pleasure of attending with me?" He asks you.
You look up at him with glossy E/C eyes.
"Of course." You say, hugging him once again.

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