Fred X Reader (Short)

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A/N: Part 69 guys. Heh, sure thing. I wouldn't hesitate to do that with Draco. Erm...okay ill stop...
I just read some of my chapters over and I'm so embarrassed at all my mistakes. I'm so sorry 😂

Sitting in the Gryffindor stands after the Quidditch game, you decide to finally confront your crush.
You walk down towards the changing rooms, and hope it's only Fred in there, as you've seen every other boy leave so far. You didn't know why he was still in there, but you walk in anyway.

"Fred?" You call. You hear shuffling from across the room, and Fred comes into view.
"Y/N...what're you doing here?" He asks. You look down to see he's shirtless. You blush and look away.
"I-Im sorry, I didn't mean to intrude o-or anything..." You stutter out.
He looks at you.
"No No, you're fine. But what is it that you wanted?" He asks, realising he's shirtless and goes to throw one on.
"I just...i just wanted to ask you something." You say hesitantly as he walks closer to you.
"What is It?" He asks, lowering his voice. You look into his soft brown eyes, and that drives you over the edge. You pull him in by his face and kiss him, and his kisses back, sliding his hands around your waist as you interlock your hands behind his neck. The kiss turns into a snogging session fast, and two minutes into It, when things were about to...go hear a voice yell
"YEAH GET SOME FRED!!" And you break apart to look up into the eyes of George Weasley. Fred groans and rubs his temples while you just giggle softly.

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