Draco X Reader

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Warnings: Swearing

" You, my friend, are fucked." Your best friend said from across the table at dinner. You had just lost your most prized possession. Your sketchbook. And you were most certainly not happy about it. You had so many drawings in there, of things. Of...people. people that you most certainly did not want others seeing. You didn't necessarily hate your drawings or anything. You just...were a bit conscious of them, and if that book ended up in the wrong hands, who knows what kind of rumours will be spread about you. You mostly just drew for fun. You would sometimes draw random things, random people. But you'd also draw things that meant something to you. Like people. Particular people. Your drawings were good, and you knew it. You just couldn't bare the thought of someone picking up that book, and looking through, finding a picture of them or their friends. It would be quite creepy, per say.
So that's why you went into full panic mode when you had lost it after Arthrimancy. It must have fallen out of your bag, but when you backtracked to look for it, it was nowhere to be seen. It was just your luck. You had no idea where it was, and hoped it would turn up soon before something terrible happened.

Draco's POV

" Hey, Draco, what's that?" Blaise taps on my shoulder, pointing to a book on the floor. Looked like the kind of book you would draw in. I go to pick it up, and realize it is a sketchbook. But who's?
"What is it? Blaise asks, looking over my shoulder at it.
"Sketchbook..." I mutter, curious.
"Does it have a name?"
I flip through the cover, realising there was writing.
" Yeah...its Y/N's...i had better return it later, I suppose." I say, stuffing the book into my bag.

-----------Time Skip--------
"Shit.." I mumble, pulling out the book I forgot to give back to Y/N. I was about to go back to the commons, when a thought went through my head. It wouldn't hurt to look at some... and that was how I ended up on my bed, flipping through the many pages of her drawings. I've never really noticed her before, we've talked a few times, but you could hardly consider us friends. Maybe..

I come across a drawing of Parkinson and snort at the caption she had placed there.

Parkinson. Actually, let us call her Pug Face. Too bad I won't get that 20 minutes back for shading her rats nest she calls 'hair'.

I smile at the caption she had placed on some of the drawings, flipping through the pages. Admittedly, she was a really good drawer. Amazing, really. When I flip the next page, my jaw drops.

Malfoy. Why doesn't he ever smile?

It was a picture of me, and I was simply studying, for the next potions exam. I had to admit, she did my hair rather well...
I flip again, and am surprised to see yet another picture of me.

He's a damn prick, but he's cute.

She thinks I'm cute? This picture was of me in the Slytherin stands at Quidditch, cheering our team on. I flip through two more pages, each pictures of me that make me smile a little. The last one is the one that got me.

So he does smile. Maybe, once a month? He's really beautiful when he does though, and his eyes. The way they light up when he does. Took you long enough, you twat.

The picture below was a picture of me smiling finally, and it was because of a joke my friends had just told me. I smile, thinking over what I would say to her when I return her book.

--------Time Skip, Third Person POV---------

You're running down the halls, as not to be late to Potions. You run in panting, and take your seat in front of Draco. Your sketchbook is still lost, and you were really worrying about it. You feel a tap on your shoulder, and turn to see Draco. He holds his hand out, and he's holding your sketchbook. You gasp and snatch it, earning a flinch from him.
"Sorry..did you look at them?" You look up to him.
"Yes..." he says, making eye contact.
"Oh..and?" You say, fear evident in your voice.
"They were amazing Y/N. Really. And the ones about me...i liked those too. You're really good at drawing. And...what you wrote on the pictures of me...did you mean it?" He asked, hope in his eyes.
"Yes..." you say, looking down to your feet.
He tilts your head up with his index finger, making you look at him.
"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks you, wary of Snape calling on him.
"Of course!" You exclaim happily, a smile taking over your expression.
He smiles slightly, and you engrave that moment in your mind, making sure to sketch that out later too.

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