Oliver Wood X Reader

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Request ~ Hello, I was wondering if you could do an Oliver x reader where y/n is on the ravenclawe quidditch team and they're playing against Gryffindor and then somehow Oliver knocks her off her broom and she ends up in the hospital wing and Oliver is super worried? End it how you like! Thank you!

Warnings: broken bones?

"No, I have Quidditch in five! I gotta run! Sorry Hermione!" You yell back to your best friend sprinting down the field to the Quidditch pitch. She had just asked you to study for the afternoon, but you have a game against Gryffindor.

You kick off, flying into the sky on your broom. The rest of the Ravenclaw team surround you, rising above them all as you're seeker. The game starts and Gryffindor has the quaffle so far. You spot your favourite player on the opposing team. Wood, you think his name was. There was just something about his accent, and the way he moves so swiftly on his broom. You'll admit, you had the hots for him. Though he was a Gryffindor, and two years ahead of you. So you knew any chances of him even liking you in return, were out. You suddenly see a flash of gold before the other team's seeker, Harry Potter, and take off towards it. Harry sees you heading towards it, and immediately follows suite. It suddenly takes off towards the Gryffindor goal hoops, and you chase after it. And at the same time, the quaffle ends up going through one of the higher hoops, and Wood tries to save it, but failing, and also knocking you off your broom in the process. You can see the look on his face as you fall. He races towards you, jerking himself out of his state of shock from what he had just done. His face contorted in worry and anger, he's too late and you hit the ground with a sickening Crack! Your vision blurs then blackens, as you can hear Lee's voice booming through the pitch, but not able to make out the words, and the sound of about 13 pairs of feet bounding towards you.

Waking up in an unfamiliar bed, you try to sit up but wince in pain.

"Oh good, you're up. I'm so sorry, damn it. I accidentally knocked you off your broom and I feel so bad because I like you an-" He cut himself off, realizing what he just said. He clamped a hand over his mouth, stopping himself from saying anything further.

"Y..You what?" You stutter.

"I like you too.." You say, smiling uncontrollably.

"O-You do? Oh good! I was worried there..I..Sorry.." He says, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

You laugh softly. "Nah, truth be told I've always liked you, ever since I saw your first Quidditch game."
He smiles at you, and takes your hand in his.

Maybe getting knocked off your broom was worth the broken bones, and all the pain that came with them....

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