Draco X Reader

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Warnings: None, I don't think...

You're running down the halls of Hogwarts, trying to avoid any Death Eater you can. You have no idea where your boyfriend, Draco, is, and you're worried like hell.
You turn a corner and run right into someone tall, and stagger back, starting to panic if it was a Death Eater. You look up to see a head of blonde, and run into his arms immediately. He returns the embrace, and starts.
"Y/N, god I was so worried.." He says, cupping your face in his hands. He then pulls something out of the pocket of his robes, and you see a velvet box.
"Y/N, I know now isn't the right time or place really whatsoever, but if something happens to me, I want you to know how much you mean to me and what I wanted our futures to be.." He kneels onto one knee quickly, checking to see if any Death Eaters are coming.
"Y/N, my love, if we both get out of this alive, will you marry me?" He asks hopefully.

"Yes! Yes a thousand times yes!" You almost yell, jumping into your boyfriend's arms and kissing him. He pushes you against a wall, lips never leaving yours.

"We have to go.." You say when you finally pulled away for breath.

"I know.." He sighs, before kissing you once more. You entwine your hand with his, and walk out of the hall, successfully making it to the grounds where the fight is taking place. You spot Neville.

"I'll be back." You say to Draco. You run over to Neville, who is running across the bridge. Once you two reach the end, you see thousands of Death Eaters, and your heart sinks, knowing chances of survival were slim. You turn to only see a more heartbreaking sight, the protective barrier around Hogwarts was shattering to the ground.

"Oh no.." You breathe turning to Neville. He quickly takes your hand for a second, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You turn back towards the Death Eaters, who are now hopefully intent on making sure the barrier was actually down. Once they were sure, you were forced to run back towards the fight, as the countless Death Eaters were now shooting hexes at you and Neville. You hoped Draco was okay, wishing you would both make it through this. Now almost to the other side of the bridge, you of course slip and twist your ankle, hearing a crack! in the process of it, knowing you just broke it. You fall, the Death Eaters now gaining on you, Neville yells for you to get up, but you struggle. Luckily for you, Draco had been watching from only feet away and was now sprinting towards you as fast as was physically possible, stopping only when he got to you and shooting a few hexes at the oncoming Death Eaters. He picked you up bridal style, sprinting back and past Neville.

Hearing the reassuring cracking of wood, you were glad you were off the bridge when you could hear it cracking. You saw Neville fall with it, making tears fall that you didn't know were there. Draco still holding you tightly to him protectively, saw this and whispered sweet nothings into your hair as he buried his face in it. Gladly, Neville appeared back, and you look to your left to see a Death Eater, cornering Fred Weasley. Drawing your wand once more, you shoot the killing curse at it right before it had the chance to at your best friend. Glad you saved him, you turn back to the fight, and see it has begun to fade away, Voldemort now at the front of his little colony. Once you saw Harry's limp body in Hagrid's arms, you felt your legs give way and fell to your knees, having removed your arm from Draco's shoulder. He tried to lift you back up, but to no avail. If it was even possible, your heart sank even more as you heard Draco's parents ushering him over to the other side. You waited for him to walk over, leaving you with now nothing, but he didn't move. And then it happened, Harry and Voldemort fought, making you move closer to Draco's body once again.

After Voldemort was defeated, and the Death Eaters perished, you finally knew you would be at peace. You had a life ahead of you with Draco, and you had so much to look forward to. Collapsing from relief and joy after the battle, you once again would know what it felt like to not be in danger or have your guard up at every moment.

A/N: OKAY SO I KNOW I KNOW THis chapter absolutely sucked ass. I know it was shit and I am sooo sorry for that, I'm sick and I'm so sorry for not updating like I promised but I will be once I am over this cold. Plus it's kinda 1 AM so I'm not working properly and my writing skills suck at these times ugh lmao. Sorryyyyyy

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