Young! Severus X Reader

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A/N: I know I promised if post the last chapter last night but my internet went out and there was nothing I could do about it and I'm so sorry goiz. Buttt...ive completed my orders online! I got bertie gotta every flavour beans too. Six bucks on Amazon for that. I got the Slytherin robes too and a load of other stuff lmao. And since I got at least one comment on my last passage (i need attention ill take anything i can get 😂) imma do your guys Draco imagines probably Saturday. That way I have more time. Anyway sorry for the huge note. Enjoy and send in requests cause I'm happy to make them!

Warnings: Bullying

Lily Evans was your friend. You could say that. You guys would occasionally talk, and study together. But you wouldn't go much further. Cause even best friend was pushing the truth. You realized she might have a thing for a guy, but you couldn't get the truth out of her.

"So, Lily, Snape or Potter?" You ask causally.
"Euh, why?" She questions suspiciously.
"I don't know, I'm curious. I know it's one of them.. so who?" You smirk.
"I don't know, Y/N..."
"Riiiggghhhtt. Okay Lily." You get up from the chair you're at, and slam your textbook closed.
"Im gonna go back to the common room, catch ya later Lil." You salute, causing her to giggle.

You walk down the halls, and pass the doors that lead outside. You can hear faint yelling. You back up, and look out to see the source.
"Oi! Snivellius!" Potter yells, approaching Severus.
Snape looks up from his books, giving Potter a dirty look. Potter takes out his wand, and mutters a spell, causing Snape to levitate about 7 feet above ground.
" You little git..." You say to yourself, before sprinting down the field to get towards your ex best friend. See, you and Severus had been the best of friends for years. You would do everything together, you even fancied him the littlest bit. But that all soon was gone when he called you a filthy mudblood for no apparent reason. Your world had spiralled down upon you when that had happened, because he was your best and only friend. And he lost you as soon as he spat those words In your face. But you still cared about him. Though you wouldn't like to admit it. So that was precisely why you were running towards him right now.

You reach the two, plus Potter's little 'gang', and immediately yell in his face.
"Potter, you slimy Git! Sod the hell off him!" You yell.
"Why should I?" He smirks, focusing half his attention on you.
"Because I'll take this to the headmaster if you don't piss off. " you spit.
He was now fully focused on you, scowling at you, causing Severus to drop to the ground as no attention was any longer on him.
"Fine, tattletale-Tina. Be that way. C'mon guys. Out!" He yells at his gang. After they're almost out of eyesight, you turn to Severus.
"In Sorry about them. They need to sod off." You smile apologetically, momentarily forgetting everything he's done.
"No bother. I'm used to it. But..why are you talking yo me? I thought you hated me after I called you that...that name." He frowns in spite of himself.

"Why? Because I love you Severus. Maybe as a friend, maybe more. I don't know. But nonetheless, I care about you and you don't deserve to be treated like that." You gesture towards the place where the scene had just happened.
You take a deep breath before continuing.
"Son forgive you. That doesn't mean I'm still not upset about it, but I forgive you. If you want to be friends again," you say. He walks up to you and grabs your face in his hands, and does the last thing you ever thought of him to do. He kissed you. Not roughly, but softly and sweetly. He pulls away.

"No. I don't want to be friends. I want more. Y/N..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, a ghost of a smile on his face.
"Of course." You smile. He kissed you again.
"Ill see you later..." He says, giving your hand a gentle kiss before walking off. You were so happy and caught up that you only just noticed the note left in your hand a few minutes after watching him walk off. You open up the parchment.

Meet me tonight? Slytherin common room.

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