A Clock With No Numbers

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"A Clock With No Numbers"
A short essay written by:
Timothy Seguban
(Author and owner of this book)

Death is a natural occurence in Life. It has and will always be a part of our lives. No matter what we do, there will always be a finish line for us. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it will always be there. Ready to catch you in its cold embrace.

However, no matter how much we try to convince ourselves that it is only natural, there is no escape from the pain that it will bring once it knocks on the door of our lives.
Death is something that we will experience eventually. We've all been there. Whenever someone lose their last breath, we also lose something. The death of a loved one can change us or our lives. It has the ability to kill you mentally and emotionally.
You can pretend that you're doing fine, but you can never save your heart and mind from the pain it brings.

Sometimes, we tend to forget how precious and how short Life is. We tend to waste it on useless things and end up regretting it when we're nearing the finish line. So, while you still have the chance and while you still have the strength to stand up everyday, treasure it. Treasure every second that passes by in your life. Because life is a clock with no definite and actual numbers, thus leaving us clueless. We will never know when the time is up.

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