Everything's Peachy

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Yep! Everything's peachy.
They say I got that kind of personality.
Maybe because I don't like the negativity?
Maybe because I'm just chilling and not rushing any activity?

Some people tend to panic when time is running out.
Some people even tend to pout.
Some people thinks nothing will work.
And yet here I am, eating happily with a spoon and a fork.

Instead of rushing and panicking, I stayed calm all the way.
Trying to finish the artwork beatifully on that day.
Why rush and panic if you already know you won't make it?
Why not do it calmly and stop worrying about the time limit?

Everything's peachy, so just relax and chill.
Everything will be alright if you have a strong will.
Just like a puzzle, everything must be in their respective places and everything must fit.
So just breath in and breath out, maybe then you'll be able to see the perfect picture it built.

Everything's peachy, so my grammatical erros don't bother me in the slightest bit.
But if it does bother you then feel free to correct it.
That is unless you're judging me quietly behind the screen.
Then I guess there is no way for your smirk to be seen.

Everything's peachy, I'm not easily angered.
You can't piss me off unless you did something that may get me triggered.
Everything's peachy, I have a carefree personality.
Nothing else matters, as long as I'm happy.

Sometimes in life, all you need is a little beam of positivity.
Positivity that may lead you to enjoying life and becoming happy.
Life is not all about problems and hardships, remember that.
Life can also be about sparkles, rainbows, and a unicorn eating a donut.

Call me crazy, but for me everything's peachy.
I'll keep believing that everything will be alright and spread the positivity.
With enough belief and positive vibes, you can change any situation.
So try to believe in yourself and be more positive from now on.

Again, everything's peachy.
A carefree personality.
A ball of positivity.
And that is ME.

Spoken Words Poetry By OtakuZone (Part One)Where stories live. Discover now