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~Emma's POV~

Right now I'm at work and I get off early today. It's almost time for Gina's appointment. It was supposed to be a few weeks ago but the doctor had a emergency and we had to reschedule. She was all booked up until today. Gina really wanted this doctor, so we waited until she was free.
I'm gonna pick her up at one. She's at the house with Carmen now. I'm gonna drop Carmen off at Gina's mother house which is the mayor mansion before the appointment. I get off in in five minutes; 12:30.

The five minutes go by and I grab my stuff. On my way out I say good bye to Ruby, graham and my dad. I walk out to my car and get in. I put my seatbelt on and dive off. It's I arrive at the house at twelve 12:50. I park the car and go into the house.

I am greeted by Carmen, who is sitting at the table eating a grilled cheese and watching something one the iPad.

"Hey munchkin. Where is Mamá?" I ask.

"She is up stairs," she says.

"Thanks," I say heading you the stairs. When I reach the top, I hear throwing up. I know it's my poor Gina. I did this to her. I set my thing on the bed, and go into the bathroom. She throws up again before noticing me. I run to her side. I hold her hair back with one hand and the other rubs her back. That was last time she threw up. She stood up and went to the sink.

"Hey baby," she says grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste. She sound a little tired.

"Hi Gina," say walking over to her. I kiss her on the cheek and walk out the bathroom. She brushes her teeth and when she finishes she walk out the bathroom. I'm laying on my stomach on the bed, playing a game on my phone. She joins me on the bed but lays on her back. She looking at me now. I put my phone away and give her a kiss. She kisses me back with love and passion. Gina cups my face. I pull back and say, "I love you Regina."

"I love you Emma," she says in the same tone.

"Come on, so we can drop Carmen off," I say patting her leg and getting up. She puts her arms out. I pull on them to help her up. We go downstairs and get our things.

"Dani get your things for abuela's," Gina instructs. She grabs her bag full of things to do. Gina grabs her purse and keys. I gab my things too and we leave.

Since Cora, Gina's mom lives at the mayors mansion, down the street, the drive is short. We take Carmen inside and say hi. We stay for a few minutes and leave after some small talk.

The drive to the doctors office is fifteen minutes away. When we arrive it's 2:05. We check in and wait to be called. The nurse said since we got here early, we be able to be seen early.

Is leaning on my shoulder and holding my hand. "Gina how much you wanna bet it's multiples?" I ask stupidly.

"Emma, why, just why?" She says now looking at me. "And what makes you think it's multiples?"

Just as I was about to answer, a nurse says, "Regina Mills."

"Let's go," she says and stands up. I stand up and walk to the door with her. We walk through and follow the nurse to our room. The nurse says the doctor will be in in a minute.

Gina is wearing a sun dress. So it will be easier to do the ultrasound. She lifts it up and sits on the chair with blanket covering her legs.

When the doctor comes in she says, "my name is Dr. Reul Ghorm, and I will be your doctor."

She puts a pair of gloves on and takes out the things she will need. She starts the preform the ultrasound. She smile and point at the screen.

"See here Regina," she says touching the screen. "This is baby A–"

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