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  ~Emma's POV~

I started to sense something was wrong. I turn around to tell Dylan to come on, but instead I see angry, no pissed two year old. I look down a little further and see her ice cream on the ground. She turns around. I don't know what's about to go down.

"Regina." I say taping my wife.



Dylan starts walking until she reaches some guy. She kicked him and he felt alright. He came down on one knee to inspect his injury and Dylan.

~Dylan's POV~

"You knocked my ice cream." I point to my ice cream. "You get me a new one."

"I'm not buying you a new one." He says.

"Yes you will." I kick him again. Two more times. I see mommy coming. I the midst of kicking him so more, I start crying. I just got my ice cream and he knocked it down. "Get me a new ice cream! Say sorry!"

Mommy pulls me away from the guy and says, "Dylan calm down you don't kick people."

~Emma's POV~

"Excuse me sir are you alright." Once he stands up I see that it's Robin. Actually I knew it was Robin and walked slowly. I let Dylan get a few kicks in.

"Yes I'm good. Just a little bruising. Oh Emma. This is your child. I've meet her once before. Dylan it's me Robin from Granny's."

"No. I don't know you. You dropped my ice cream." Dylan says crying. She's not having it.

"I'm sorry Dylan." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ten. He hands it to Dylan. "Here you go. It's for your new ice cream."

"Thank you." Dylan says still crying. He walks away and we walk back to Gina and the kids.

"Mamá Wahbin make me dropped mi helado (my ice cream), so I kicked him." I set Dylan down and wipe her tears. She give me the money for her ice cream so that she can get on the ride.

"Regina she just kicked the shit out of Robin. I couldn't believe my eyes. Damn I should've recorded it."

"Emma I'm going give several reasons as to why that's not a good idea. 1) You're a cop. 2) she's a child. 3) she could've done some serious damage. Actually scratch the the third one."

"Come on Gina. You saw how hard she was kicking him. Dylan has 50% which means that some of your pain with Robin traveled down and when she was kicking the shit out of him she was getting so kind of payback."

"Emma," she chuckles. "Sometimes your logic is different from everyone else's." She kisses my cheek.

"But even if what I just said doesn't make any sense, you understood it and you're not opposing it."

"Yeah yeah." She kisses my lips.

"Mommy I don't want to get on can I get my helado (🍦) now?" Dylan asks me.

"I pick her up and say, "sure. Gina I'm going to get her ice cream."

"Okay." Her attention is on Mateó and the girls.

"Mommy I wanna order it. Can I?"

"Go ahead."

"Vanilla ice cream please." She sounds like Gina.

"Can you make that two."

"Mommy can I have spinkles."

"It's sprinkles princess." I take over the order and Dylan a kids size cone and myself a regular size. I already know Gina's going to attack my cone. I give the woman a twenty, for getting about the ten in my pocket.

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