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~Dylan's POV~

"The room looks and smells good Guys," Devin says. "Thanks Dylan."

"No problem."

"It smells better than when we got here."

"How old are you guys?" I ask.

"Tweezer is 13, Hobbs is 12, Biggs is 13, Duce is fourteen, and I'm fifteen."

"How old are you?" Biggs asks.


"Six?!" They shout.

"What did you do to get here?"

"I have a fresh mouth and I get in trouble at school. Plus I'm a spoiled brat." I finish the last braid on Biggs head. His hair was very tangled and dry. I combed and moisturized his hair a lot. Devin is last he wants six braids. "You're turn. This time my mouth got me in trouble and sent here." Devin sits on the floor between my legs. I part his hair and start braiding. It takes me about twenty five minutes to finish.

"Thanks Swan. I appreciate this," Devin says as he shakes my hand.

"I set the alarm clock guys," Tweezer says.

"Has everyone showered?" Devin asks.

"Yep. You were the last one," I say.

"Right, come lights out." He claps.

"Dylan do you need a bedtime story?" Biggs teases.

"If you got one then yes. My mommy reads me bedtime story."

"Biggs go to the library with Dylan tomorrow and get her some bedtime stories, since you wanna be fresh. She's six. Who cares if she need a bedtime story to fall asleep. She's already homesick as it is." Devin defends me.

"Sorry," Biggs says with his head down.

"It's okay. Thank you."

"No problem."

"Is there anything else we can get for you, Dylan?" Hobbs asks. "Snacks? Candy? Phone?"

"No thank you."

"Why do you talk like that?" Duce asks.

"Are you asking about my accent or the way I speak in complete sentences?"

"I guess both."

"Yo hablo español and I speak like my mamá."

"What?" His face twists.

"I speak Spanish and speak like my mother, who I call mamá, speaks like me. Properly and grammatically."

"What about your dad?" Tweezer asks.

"I don't have a dad. I have two mommies."

"What's that like?" The boys lay in their beds.

"Well my mommy is intersex like me and she's like a dad. She's the coolest. Lately I've been mean to her and I don't know why. I miss her. My mamá is my best friend. We're always together. I miss her even more. I miss them both a lot. I gotta write them an apology letter."

"Lights out!" Devin shouts. The cabin becomes a dark.

~Regina's POV~

"Regina shut up! Someone's gonna here."

"Fuck! Papi." She knows I'm loud. I can't help it. She makes me feel so damn good when she's fucking me. "I can't papi."


"Papi," I whimper. She shoes her fingers in deeper. "Emma!"

"Regina shut up before I stop."

"Yes papi." I pout. She hits my g-spot over and over. "Papi." I squeeze her arm.

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