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~Emma POV~

Gina's on her way to the station. She should be here any minute. I'm sitting in my swivel chair, when I hear this loud bang. I walk out side to see my wife's car totaled. I'm in shock as I run over to the drivers side. I see my wife in the drivers seat.

"Regina!" I run to the car.

"Emma," she whispers. "Emma my head."

"I know baby I'm right here." I grab her hand and hold it tight.

"Emma," she says again. Her head is bleeding.

"Are they on their way?"

"Yes, they'll be here soon."

"Emma," she says one last time before fading away.

"Regina! Stay with me baby," I say through my tears.

The ambulance finally arrives. She's unconscious. I move out their way so that they can get to her.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?" A paramedic asks.

"Yeah, she got into an car accident with that car right over there," a near by bystander says. "She hit her head hard on the wheel and the seat."

"Are there any relatives near by?"

"Yes," I manage to squeak out.

"And might I ask what the relation is?"

"I'm her wife."

"You can ride with her to the hospital in the back of the ambulance ma'am."

There's a second ambulance that takes the person in the other car away. I climb in the back after the paramedics secure Gina.

One of them ask what my wife's name is and I answer.

"Her name is Regina Swan-Mills." When we arrive at the hospital the doctors ask the same questions. I give them the same answers.

"Please do what you can to save her," I practically beg for them to save her.

I get out my phone once I'm in lobby. I dial Cora's number. "Hello"

"Hola Emma," she can automatically sense that something's wrong from my tone; I almost never answer the phone with a color. "Emma honey, what's wrong."

"Regina," I cry out.

"Emma what happened to Regina?" She's panicking.

"Regina got into a car accident and she hit her head hard. Please meet us at the hospital. The doctor paramedics say that she's going to be okay but she's most likely going suffer for head trauma. Cora please hurry but be safe."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Stay calm." Next I call Ruby and Belle to make sure the kids are with someone they know especially Dylan. Then I call my mom and dad and go through the whole thing again.

I see Cora walk in, I start crying all over again. She quickly makes her way over to me and comforts me.

"Emma Swan," a doctor calls out.

"Here," I respond.

"Can you come with me?"


"Your wife Regina Swan-Mills hit her very hard. She doesn't remember anything."

"What does that mean? What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Well it helps if loved ones are around, to help her get her memories back."

"Can I see her?"

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