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Sorry I haven't updated this sorry in almost a year. This is a chapter I wrote over a year ago. I think I'm gonna start writing for this story again. Would you guys read a part two? Let me know. Hope you enjoy.


~Regina's POV~

I open the door after hearing the doorbell ring. I see a young woman standing in the doorway with a suitcase. She looks a whole lot like Emma. She's dressed like her too.

"Hi, I'm looking for Emma Swan."

"She's not here right now. What do you need?"

"She's my... dad... or mom." I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know." She huffs. "Look I'm just trying to speak to her. My mom just told me that my dad is isn't my biological dad and that Emma Swan is the reason I'm alive and the way I am. I have her last name too... can you please help me. I flew from California."

"Come inside." I move aside.

"Thank you." I close the door behind her. "Are you a friend of hers?"

"No. I'm her wife." She nods with a friendly smile. "What's your name?"

"Francesca Swan Youth... but everyone calls me Frankie."

"Regina Swan." I inform. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?"

"Sure. I know this is bold but can you make me a grilled cheese? I'm really hungry." Although shocked by the request, I say yes anyway.

"You can sit in the living room. Maybe watch tv or something."

"Thank you." We walk our separate ways. I take out the ingredients and pick up my phone. I dial Emma's number.

"Hey babygirl." She answers cheerfully.

"Emma Swan bring your ass home right now." My blood is boiling.

"How come?"

"Because there's a young woman here that look awfully like you and claims that she's you got damn child. I'm in kitchen making her a fucking grilled cheese right now. Come home now!" I hang up the phone and toss it aggressively on the counter.

"Maybe this was a mistake." I hear Frankie's voice. I turn and see her. "Just forget I ever came."

"No Frankie. Please... stay. I'm just a little up set on how I'm finding this out." I sigh and put my hand to my forehead. "My wife will be here soon."

"Okay." She bites her lip nervously. Oh my god. This is Emma's child.

"You're grilled cheese will be done soon."

-thirty minutes later-

Frankie hands me her empty plate and walks back to the living. Moments later, I hear the front door.

"Regina?" Emma calls out nervously. I bite my lip harshly and say nothing. She slowly enters the kitchen. "H-hi babe." I cross my arms and tap my foot.

"Frankie!" I call out.

"Yes." She walks in the kitchen and she freezes.

"Fuck me!" Emma groans. "Do you have brother named Jason?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Regina I'm sorry but she's my kid." I nod slowly and walk out the kitchen.

~Emma's POV~

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