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~Emma's POV~

I walked back out onto the porch. I smile as I Regina getting out her car. She locks the door and starts walking up the pathway.

"Hi Gina." I greet. She's halfway down the walking way.

"Hey Swan!!" A man yells. I look up to see someone I don't recognize holding a gun.

"Regina duck!" I yell. He wasn't after her though. He shot me in my shoulder. He fires several more times. I'm hit again in the leg. Several went behind me. I grabbed my gun out my holster and quickly fire at him. I got in the back. I shot again and got him in the leg.

Another guy pops out of nowhere and shoots me in the stomach twice. He runs to a car and help the first guy get in. They drive off like bats out of hell. I quickly memorized the license plate, before everything went black.

~Regina's POV~

I look up from the ground to see my wife laying on the porch, lifeless.

"Emma!" I rush to her. "Emma please wake up. I need you."

"Gina." She groans. "155DKG."

"Emma what does that mean?" She fades away. "Emma baby please." I cry. "Somebody help!!" I scream. I hear doors open and neighbors come out. A few rush over to me.

"What happened?" A guy asks.

"They shot her!"

"Who shot her?!"

"I don't know!"

"What about them?" He points inside our house. I see Dani, Dylan, and Henry laying on the floor.

"Oh my god! They shot my bebés!" I cry. "Emma wake up they shot our bebés. I need you to wake up. Please!" I beg.

-Six mouths later-

I sit in the chair next to Emma's bed. "Papi. I need you wake up. I need you. We need you."

It's been six months since that horrible day. I visit Emma almost everyday. They still don't know why those guys shot her, nor have they found the men responsible.

Thankfully our children survived. Henry was shot in the left shoulder. Dani was hit in the head. The only reason she wasn't effected more, is because of her hair. Dylan, She was shot in the stomach. That little girl is a fighter. She not only survived, but she recovered quicker than her siblings. Now we're just waiting for Emma to wake up.

"Emma today. Alexa had a spelling test... she got a 90. Mateó has his art hanging in his school's main office...Dylan still hasn't spoken yet. She misses you. I miss you. I miss you so so much. I miss you everyday single day Emma. I need you papi. Nothing's the same without you. Not a single joke is funny unless I can hear your laugh. No one else can make me smile the way you do. I need to smile Emma. Please wake up." I stand up. "I love you Emma." I kiss her forehead. It's time for me to go because visiting hours are over.

"What was that Emma?" I say turning around only to hear the machines keeping her alive. I hesitate once more before leaving the room. I look in through the glass window. I rub my wedding rings. I will never take it off. It's gotten loose because I've lost a lot of weight due to me not eating. I can't even eat the same without Emma.

One of the hardest things was giving up our babies without being there. That also made me depressed. It's just been an emotional rollercoaster that keeps looping around.

-one month later-

~Dylan's POV~

"Honey I'll be right back. I'm just going to the bathroom and vending machine." Mamá says to me. I nod and stay with mommy. When mamá's gone I use her chair to get onto mommy's bed. I lay next to her with my head on her chest.

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