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-three years ago-

~Emma's POV~

When we get to the room I see Gina still asleep with my little girl next to her. I walk in and look at the baby. Her eyes are open. One of them is green and one is blue. Oh my god she looks so cool. She makes eye contact with me and smiles big. I reach out and pick her up.

"Hi Dylan," I say softly. "I'm your mommy and you see that woman over there... well she's your Mamá." I have tears of joy falling. "She's beautiful just like you. Her name is Regina but I call her Gina. She's honestly a superhero. A hot sexy powerful superhero. She's amazing.

You have five siblings at home. There names are Henry, Danielle, Alexa, Avery, and Mateó. We call Danielle, Dani and Alexa, Alex. Our family is big and you're the youngest.

Did you know that you're just like me? We're both intersex. You're Mamá had a feeling that you were gonna be different and that you are. You see Dylan, you are special into two ways. One being that you are intersex and two being that you have complete heterochromia iridum. That just means that you have two different color eyes."

-three mouths later-

"Emma go see what's wrong. I'm tired." Gina says with a sleepy voice and hitting me.

"Regina." I groan. "Stop hitting me."

"Well if you would wake up, then I wouldn't have to hit you. So if you wouldn't mind, go see why she's crying."

"Fine grumpy pants."

"Emma I'm grumpy because I'm tired. And Dylan screaming her little head is not helping." I get out the bed and throw a pillow at her. "Emma... fuck you."

"Ooh yes please." I snicker. I look at the alarm clock and it says 4:30AM. Ever since we brought Dylan home, she's always woken up early. I walk to her room. Outside the door, the volume of her cry pierces my ears.

I walk to her crib and pick her up. "Shhh... mommy's here Dylan." I coo. She cries until she realizes it's me who's speaking. I look around for her pacifier. I see on her dresser and put it in her mouth. She spits it out. "Are you hungry?... yeah I think you're hungry." I grab her blanket and walk to the kitchen.

"So Dylan... your mamá isn't up yet so you can get your milk fresh from the tap." I go into the fridge and pull out a pre-made bottle. I put the bottle in the microwave because the milk is cold. As I'm making her bottle, I continue speaking to Dylan.

"Dylan you've got some nice eyes. Did you know that?... your mamá says that you have my eyes." I take the bottle out of the microwave and shake it. "Alright Dylan." I walk to my room. "You gotta stay quiet sweetie." I grab the throw blanket and go to the living room. I sit on the couch and wrap us in the blanket. I then hold Dylan's bottle to her mouth.

"Hey Dylan you know this morning I was supposed to wake your mother up with intercourse, but I didn't. I'm not going blame you because you're a baby. But I'll ask you this... can you go back to sleep so I can do just that on this beautiful Saturday morning?" She looks at me with a bottle in her mouth and sleep in her eyes. "Yeah, let this milk fill your belly so you can get sleepy and so that so that I can get frisky with your mama."

"Emma you're getting frisky with anybody."  Regina's sexy morning voice fills my ears. "Stop talking about sex with my child." I roll my eyes and continue my conversation with Dylan.

"She's just hating Dylan. This is how I get more siblings." I whisper loudly. Regina reacts by smacking me on the back of the head. "You see that Dylan? Your mamá wants it as bad as I do."

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