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I don't know what month the setting is in so let's just say it the end of September.



~Emma's POV~

Regina's been on this medication for almost seven months now. Yeah the medicine's helping the baby, but it makes Gina have mood swings over the littlest things. The baby is healthy and due any day now.

It's September 23rd. Our anniversary is today. Right now Gina and I are at a brunch place and there's definitely some tension in the room. There's this couple arguing in Russian. 

"I wish I knew what they were saying. I love a good live novela."

"She angry with him because he's not pay attention to her... and she just threw an ultimatum at him. 'If you don't stop hanging out with her  than I gone.'" I say to Gina. She looks shocked.

"You can speak Russian?"

"I can speak many languages."

"What? why has this never come up?"

"No one ever asked."

"What other languages can you speak?"

"Let's see. I can speak English, Spanish, Hebrew, Russian, German, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, and French."

"Emma you mean to tell that you can speak nine languages fluently."

"For the most part, yeah."

"How did you learn them all?"

"Well as a foster kid, I moved around a lot. Each family I was with spoke a different language. There was always someone who spoke the language near by. I was able to speak with them a expand my vocabulary. Plus all the video games that I play they come in different languages and I don't change them to English. Oh and I used to watch a lot movies in different languages too."

"Wow. Is there anything else interesting I should  know?"

"Ummm... yeah our kids."

"What about them?" She asks taking another forkful of her food.

"Well they all speak another language other than Spanish."

"And what language would  that be."

"Henry speaks German; Carmen speaks Russian; Alex speaks Italian; Avery speaks Portuguese; and Mateó can speak Arabic."

"What! How the... When did they learn all of these languages?" She's so surprised. I would be to if I had just found out that my kids spoke three languages, let alone two.

"Well I taught them all small phases at first. You know funny things that you would be mad at if you understood what they were saying— playground talk. But then they kept asking what certain things said and meant, so I gradually taught them all more."

"That's so cool. I don't know what to say to that."

"That's just what I taught them. They ended up teaching each other more and more. And they watch shows. You should see how funny it is when they argue. They're so cute, but sometimes I have to break it up. It all goes down whenever you're not home or still sleeping. Maybe I'll teach the bum in your oven French," I shrug.

"Damn and here I thought they only knew two languages."

"Well it can be very helpful when we're planning something or going somewhere out of the country. That's part of the reason of why I taught them."

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