Just another day as drill sergeant

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"Line up folks. Attendance check."

One thing you loved about being S.H.I.E.L.Ds new drill sergeant, was that you could be your loud and controlling self without people complaining.
If they did?
Endless amounts of push-ups.
You quickly earned yourself some respect around the team and your recruits rather feared you than loved you.

"In his room, wretching his soul out of his body."
"Thanks for the details, Krazinski."

You shuddered and the group laughed quietly.
You finished attendance and made them pair up for a few rounds of sparring.
You walked through the gym, correcting stances and some ways they held their hands up.
It was running smoothly until everyone suddenly stopped moving and looked at something behind you.

"I didn't say you were finished! Keep it moving people!"

You put your hands on your hips and watched their terrified faces stare at the thing behind you while they all straightened up.
You turned around and almost had a heart attack.
Sergeant Barnes or Bucky for the ones in his inner circle.
You stood straight, your hands behind your back.

"Sergeant Barnes."
"Agent Y/l/n. Please call me Bucky."

You barely got out any words when he stood in front of you.
He was a lot taller than you, considering that it wasn't hard to be, since you were pretty short.
He smiled and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Don't let me distract you. Just here to watch."

You finally found your voice and tried to calm yourself down.

"You heard him. Keep it up!"

You hesitantly began to do your rounds, adjusting some fighting stances and watched him do the same.
You stood back in your corner next to him and watched your recruits try to bring each other down.
Shivers shooting straight up your spine when he leaned down and whispered in your ear.

"Maybe they need to see how it's really done if you want actual improvement."

You looked up at him with a questioning look.
You weren't big into being given orders or any sort of authority but James Barnes was somebody you wouldn't dare to disobey.
His metal arm alone could make you cower in fear.
You still had trouble listening to him because he was so damn attractive.
The bright blue eyes and the long hair, you wanted nothing more but run your hands through it.
His over-the-top muscular body was another point on the long list of reasons to like him.

"What are you suggesting, Sergeant Barnes?"

"You. Me. Sparring fight."

You gulped at the thought of humiliating yourself in front of the team but you were never one to turn down a challenge. 

"If you think it would help?"

You walked back into the center of the gym, clearing your throat and crossing your hands behind your back again.

"Alright listen up, ladies! You don't seem to take the corrections serious, so Barnes and I will demonstrate how we want it to look like!"

You saw him their eyes widened and they sat down, forming a half circle around you and Bucky. You bumped fists as a check and took a few steps back from each other.

"Remember, it's just a sparring fight."

"You came to the wrong agent if you want an easy fight, Barnes."

Coming at you with a wild left hook, you ducked under his metal arm and landed 3 consecutive hits to his torso and took a step back, barely dodging his right hand.
Bucky had no intentions of letting you catch a breath and tried trapping you by standing on your foot but you moved it back and managed to put it behind his neck, bringing him down on the floor.

Sitting on his torso, you pulled back for a knock-out punch but he rolled his head to the side, making you hit the rather soft mattress.
He pushed you off so you were laying next to each other.
You pulled your leg up, hitting his side but it didn't seem to cause an impact on him.
You aimed for his left cheek but he caught your fist and rolled away, standing up.
You jumped to your feet and drew in a sharp breath.

"Tired y/l/n?"

A smirk tugged on the corners of his lips, giving you new motivation to bring him down.

"You wish, Barnes."

You charged at him, trying to land a kick to his face but he caught your foot, twisting it around.
Ripping it out of his grip you sommersaulted out of his reach and we're back on your feet.

"You're getting predictable, agent."

He came at you with a speed that would've knocked you over.
You stumbled backwards while dodging his punches from left and right.
You saw him becoming frustrated with not being able to land a punch and he resorted to the more animalistic way to fight.
He started throwing wild punches, you struggled to evade.
You had an idea on how to win this but therefore you needed him on top of you.

He pulled back for a left hook but you were quicker, knocking him off his feet with a strong uppercut.
Knowing, he'd flip you two over, you sat on top and pretended to go for another knock-out.
As expected, he flipped you over, allowing to wrap your legs around his neck and holding his arms at distance.

He struggled to move and tried everything to get out of the headlock you had him in but this was the one move, no one could escape from.

"For the Ladies. This move wins every fight. Every. Single. One."

Bucky's face began to turn red and you released him, standing up.
He cleared his throat and it looked like he was blushing.

"You heard her. It definitely works."

Your recruits smiled and looked at you with respect in their eyes.
You just won a fight against the Winter Soldier.

"Alright, I think that cuts it for today. Dismissed."

They all scurried away, leaving you and Bucky alone in the gym.
He came a little closer while you stuffed your things into the little gym bag you had brought.

"You really know how to fight. I'm impressed!"

"I got more where that came from!"

You smirked and strutted to the exit.
You stopped when he yelled after you.

"How about you show me at dinner on Friday night?"

You turned around, gasping and clutching your shirt.

"Sergeant are you asking me out?"

You had to giggle at him, sheepishly smiling.
He came closer again and stopped, leaving only mere inches between you.

"You in?"

"Maybe. Convince me."

"Free food and free drinks and maybe something else at my place afterwards?"

You bit your lip, already looking forward to Friday night.
Giving him a broad smile, you nodded.

"That sounds amazing. I'm in!"

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