Bad day

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Today was not your day. 

You didn't get any sleep, you missed your alarm and were late to work, which Fury didn't appreciate. 
When you finally arrived, Natasha spilled her coffee over you so you've been walking around with a burned chest all day. 
You had a ton of paperwork to do and when practicing with the new recruits, you got your ass handed to you. 

You were on your way back to the compound and sat in your car. 
You yawned and almost didn't see the biker who swerved in front of you and slammed on the brakes. 

"Great job, y/n! First you almost get fired then get your ass beat and now you almost killed someone! Could this day get any better?" You asked yourself when suddenly your head jerked forward and a shock went through your car. 

You got out and walked to the back of your car to see it completely busted. 

"Oh my god! Miss, I am so sorry! I was fixing my kids' seatbelt and didn't see you parked here!" A young woman rushed over to you and frantically searched around her wallet. 

"Here! It's for the repair!" She put two hundred dollar bills in your hand and apologised again and got back to your car. 

You thanked her and drove back to the compound, luckily without any other unfortunate incidents. 

As soon as you arrived in your room, you realised that you forget your gym bag where your phone and wallet where in. 
You stripped and took a well deserved and much needed shower and when you were done, you wrapped yourself in a towel and dropped on to your bed. 
You felt yourself drift off into sleep when someone cleared his throat behind you. 

"Any particular reason as to why you're practically naked on my bed?" 

"Huh?" You lifted your head and turned to see Bucky with crossed arms and an amused grin. 

"I asked if there was any particular reason as to why you're practically naked on my bed?" He asked again. 

"Your bed?" You were confused. 
This was your room. 
Wasn't it? 

"Yes, my bed! Which is located in my room." He answered. 

As it finally dawned to you, you groaned loudly and buried your face in one of his pillows. 
He sat down at the foot of his bed and the amused grin was still present. 

"Why won't anything go right today?" You mumbled into the pillow. 

"What's wrong, y/n?" He asked, his hand on your back until you turned around. 

You and Bucky were pretty close friends and you were there for each other whenever you needed it. 
You buried your face in your hands and sighed. 

"I've had the worst day in the history of bad days. Ever! I'm lucky I wasn't sprayed wet by a car driving through a puddle!" Dropping your hands, you finally looked at him, still smiling. 

"I bet your day's been going real smooth, hasn't it Barnes?" 

"I've had worse than today." He chuckled

"I don't know if it brightens your mood in any way but you forgot your gym bag and I packed it in with me." He shrugged and you shot up, nearly dropping the towel but a broad smile on your face. 

You wrapped your arms around him and accidentally pulled him down on the bed with you, so now his head was right on your chest and you practically had him in a headlock. 

"James Buchanan Barnes, you're my personal hero!" You said while messing up his hair. 

"Need. Air. Now." He croaked out and you quickly let him go. 
He sat up and ran his hand through his hair and laughed softly. 

"Glad I could be of help today." He got up and went over to his closet while you went back into his bathroom to get your coffee stained clothes. 

"I'll be in my room this time, if anyone's looking for me." You said with a small chuckle. 

"You sure? Not maybe Steve's room or anyone else's?" He jokingly asked. 

"Maybe, but not for the reasons you might think!" You smirked and quickly left his room, trying not to run into anyone while you were still in just a towel. 

In your room, you went through your bag and pulled out your wallet and phone with sigh of relief. 

Immediately putting on your favourite song to cheer you up, you discarded the towel and grabbed some fresh clothes and threw them on your bed. 

Suddenly your bedroom door opened and Bucky came in. 

You stood behind your closet door, trying to cover yourself as good as possible. 

"Hey y/n! You forgot your- oh shit!" He said when he saw your head poke out from behind the door. 

"Not practically naked, Buck. Actually naked." You said and it seemed as if he tried to peak around the door. 

"You, forgot your..." He stuttered and it was adorable. 

"My what?" You finished

"Your shirt!" He got a little louder than anticipated and threw your shirt on your bed and quickly left again. 

"Such a weird little boy!" You sighed and threw your stained shirt in your laundry basket and got dressed in some shorts and a sweater. 

Meanwhile, Bucky stood outside of your now closed door and sighed, running his hand through his hair. 

"Her, completely naked didn't turn you on, Bucky! She's your best friend, get your shit together!" He scolded himself and turned back into his room. 

"Stop talking to yourself, man!" Steve said from a few feet behind him. 

"What?" Bucky spun around to his best friend, chewing on an apple and leaning against the wall. 

"Don't worry, I get it! I think we've all been checking her out more than we'd like to admit." Steve said and threw the apple in a nearby trashcan. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Bucky played it off. 

"Of course you don't. You're way too busy telling yourself not to get turned on by your best friend!" He laughed and patted Bucky's shoulder.  

"Watch out for Tony. You know how he gets when he wants something!" With a wink Steve left his dumbfounded and turned on friend alone in the hallway. 

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