Star Shopping

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It was 2am and Bucky was still wide awake.
In all honesty, he was afraid to go to sleep because he knew what awaited him once he closed his eyes.
He threw off the blanket and pushed himself out of bed, putting on a sweater before trudging in the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea to clear his head.
On his way there he walked past your room and noticed the open door and he thought about peeking inside to check if you were asleep because if you weren't maybe you were in the mood to talk about anything with him.
Bucky dismissed the thought and continued his path to the kitchen area but before could make his way around the kitchen island, his eyes drifted outside to the patio where a figure was sitting on the floor, wrapped up in their blanket.
He thought he recognized you and walked up to the floor length window to check.

You've been with the team for a couple months, almost a year now and you returned from a mission this morning and instead of celebrating the accomplishment, you sought solitude in the safety of your room.
Upon being asked why, you told Bucky that the agent who went with you got hurt and you could've prevented it if only you'd acted fast enough.
Bucky coaxed you into joining the team for dinner by reminding you that no one was blaming you for what happened and that you shouldn't beat yourself up over something you had no control over.
He knew what he was talking about, he spent years hating himself for the things he's done even though the things done to him outweighed the crimes he committed by a long shot.
Forgetting about the tea, he decided on joining you on the patio even though he knew it was cold outside but you've been there for him when he felt like he didn't deserve being where he was right now and figured you only deserved the same.

"What are you doing?"

Turning your head, you saw that Bucky had stepped out on the patio, probably after having seen you sitting on the floor and assuming the worst, seen in the way he tilted his head to the side whenever something happened that may or may not have been his fault.

"Star shopping." You answered before turning your gaze back to the night sky.

"Star shopping?" You heard the confusion in his voice and patted the spot on the blanket next to you, motioning for him to join you.

"Come here, I'll explain it to you."

He sat down and crossed his legs, eyes trained on you as he waited for a reason why you were laying on the floor on the patio at 2 in the morning.

"Imagine you have a bowl and you can fill it with stars. Which ones would you pick?"

Bucky hesitated before he also laid on his back, hands laced together and resting on his stomach while he inspected the surprisingly clear sky.
He had a theory for the motivation of your so called 'Star shopping'.
Maybe you used the fresh air to clear your head after not being able to fall asleep as well and the "shopping" itself functioned as a way to distract yourself from whatever kept you awake.
Bucky knew instantly what it was that kept you up and frowned a little.

His hand shot up. "That one."

"It is pretty." You commented. "How about that one?"

You pointed at one that was directly over your head and Bucky nodded.
He listened to you proposing stars and he absentmindedly agreed, since his main focus was on you.
There was a spark in your eyes that fascinated him.
It reminded him of himself or rather how he used to be: curious, filled with a need for adventure and an interest in all things unknown.
His imagination ran wild, making up scenarios such as what it would've been like growing up with you, struggling through school and things like that.
Bucky felt the fatigue return and his eyes drifted down to the hand that was laying next to your side and slowly laced his fingers in between yours.
Of course you felt it so you turned your head to see him looking at you with an intense look of sincerity in his eyes so you smiled softly before scooting over against his side where he put your entwined hands around you and you relished in the warmth his body provided.
You spent the night out on the patio together and you barely registered the cold with Bucky by your side.

I'm turning 18 in a little over a month and I'm graduating school in 4.
School is relatively peaceful so I'll try to write more since the next exam is only in March.
I don't know why but it's become a habit to put a/n's under my posts pls don't ask me why I think I just have a lot to talk about but like not a lot of people to talk to?

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