Merry Christmas

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"[Y/n], if you play 'All I want for Christmas' one more goddamn time, you're banned from the compound until Christmas." Tony's scolding voice sounded through the living room.

"Oh lighten up, you grinch! Mariah Carey is a legend." You countered. "Also Christmas is in three days, so I wouldn't be gone for a long time."

You saw Bucky, sitting on the couch and your little banter with the resident genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist had gotten his attention for he was watching the discussion with a small smile and you waved at him.
He waved back before he focused back on his book.
Apparently, Tony had witnessed the interaction and you turned around to him when you heard him snicker.

"I think I've found a way to shut you up." Tony smirked before grabbing a twig of the mistletoe that hadn't been put up yet.

You could only guess what Tony was hinting at and you rolled your eyes when he positioned himself next to the couch and held the mistletoe over Bucky's head and pointed at you while puckering his lips.
You stuck your tongue out and left the room, not wanting Bucky to see your blushed cheeks after Tony's suggestion.
Here's the thing about Bucky.
He's been with the team for a profound amount of time now and you felt like you and him were still in the getting to know each other phase while he seemed to be getting along with everyone else just fine.
Sam said that you were maybe a little too energetic for him, since Bucky cherished piece and quiet more than anything.

You hated silence.
Being alone in the compound was your worst nightmare because it's always so quiet and there's nobody to talk to.
When you first met Bucky, he didn't even say hello, he just cracked a smile and left the room to which Steve said he was still getting used to not being hated by everyone and since then you were adamant about becoming his friend or at least getting him to talk to you for more than one minute.
With these attempts came the realization that you may or may wanted him to be more than just a friend and you suddenly welcomed his lack of attention towards you.
Until last week.

All of a sudden, he began treating you like he treated the rest of the team, he made jokes, he talked about more than just the weather with you and you even had lunch together once.
You grew suspicious, the more time he spent with you and even worried that he found out about your not so little crush on him but not even Nat knew and she was the best spy in the business.
As you were still laying in your bed after having taken a nap, someone knocked on the door and you rolled off with a groan and trudged to the door before opening it.

"I just woke up, please don't ask me to do anything strenuous." You yawned and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.

"Is shopping for presents considered strenuous?" Bucky asked with a grin and you immediately stood straight.

"Depends. Do you have a remote idea of what to get?" You asked back and he started scratching the back of his neck.

"I kind of wanted you to help me with that." He admitted with a sheepish smile and you grinned, shaking your head.

"You're meaning to tell me, you don't have a present for your secret Santa yet?" You gasped. "Tell me who it is?"

"Now where's the fun in that?" Bucky smirked but it quickly turned into a pout. "Please help me."

Looking into those big blue eyes, it felt like looking at a puppy and who could say no to that?

"Fine, meet me at the elevator in ten."

You got ready in record time, not wanting to let Bucky wait for you and almost ran over Natasha when you exited your room.

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